昨天SMH的教育专栏的记者Anna Patty发表的Top school's secret weapon: 95% of students of migrant heritage的报道,激起很大反响,新足迹老妖已经翻译了这个报道并有大量的评论http://www.oursteps.com.au/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=266228 很遗憾这位Anna Patty这篇报道的调调带有强烈的种族方面的负面暗示,当然同意和迎合的意见也很多,今天SMH继续刊登了她的后续报道。 =============================== 精英中学里族群比例激起了激烈的辩论 =============================== 关于非英文母语移民的孩子占据NSW州最顶尖的10所精英中学里80%的名额,昨天SMH读者们有大量的网上留言和评论。一位学者说中东裔的孩子在悉尼的各所学校里占有相当大的比例,但是对比南亚和东亚移民的孩子,中东人的孩子几乎没有在精英中学里有一席之地。 一位移民说:“我成长于一个亚洲国家的紧张激烈的教育系统,我认为。。。澳洲会是一个为我孩子提供更平衡中和途径教育机会的国家。。。很不幸,这么多年来我看到我们的社会– 并没有采纳走中间的道路– 而是或多或少的分成了两个极端:一个逼迫他们的孩子成为唯结果论的机器,另一个则认为教育只是在浪费时间。” “这两个阵营的共同之处是都缺乏一种为了学习而推动学习的文化– 或者是缺乏一种为快乐而提高我们自己的文化。我们在一个紧要的关头:要么我们继续专注于学业为主的教育系统来迎合(大部分亚洲国家的)“继续前进,要技能,要学位,要一个好工作”的心态,要么我们能够重新定位我们的教育系统到培养不只是高分的孩子而是平衡综合发展的孩子,他们能够学会使用他们聪明才智批判性地、独立性地和创造性地思考。” 一个精英中学的学生Lydia问,为什么学业上有天赋的学生就应该被要求“牺牲他们的出类拔萃的机会来包容学业能力一般或者很差的学生?” 西悉尼大学的学者Carol Reid说,NSW州普通公立中学的模式需要被重新检讨以确保学生们身边有广泛多样的学习同伴。 Reid博士说:“要学业能力,也需要发展社交能力。” Ethnicity at selective schools provokes fierce debate Anna Patty September 14, 2010 - 3:00AM The selective school system in NSW has polarised students and fuelled fierce competition which has disenfranchised already-disadvantaged students and some migrant groups. That is according to some of the many Herald readers who yesterday responded to a story about the children of non-English migrants filling almost 80 per cent of places at the state's top 10 selective high schools. One academic said that while children of Middle-Eastern origin made up a significant proportion of school enrolments in Sydney, they were mostly absent from selective schools compared with children of migrants from south Asia. One migrant said: ''Having grown up through a … gruelling education system in an Asian country, I thought … Australia would provide an opportunity for a more balanced approach to education for my children … Sadly, over the years I have observed that our society - rather than adopting the middle way - [is] more or less split into two poles: those who push their children into fact-spewing robots, and those who think that education is a waste of time. ''Common in these two camps is the lack of culture that champions learning for the sake of learning - or improving oneself for the pleasure of it. We are at a critical point: either we plough through with an education system that panders to the mentality of 'get ahead, get a skill, get a degree, get a good job' - like those in most Asian countries - or we can re-orientate this system to … to produce not just high-scoring kids, but well-balanced kids that have learnt to think critically, independently and creatively, who make good use of their talents.'' A selective school student, who called herself Lydia, asked why academically gifted students should be forced to ''sacrifice their opportunity to excel to accommodate students of lower academic ability''. A University of Western Sydney academic, Carol Reid, said the comprehensive school model needed to be re-examined in NSW to ensure students have a diversity of peers to mix with. ''Besides the academic reasons, there are social reasons about developing an ability to mix beyond your own social grouping and your own intellectual peers,'' Dr Reid said. This story was found at: http://www.smh.com.au/national/e ... 20100913-159da.html [ 本帖最后由 patrickzhu 于 2010-9-14 09:39 编辑 ] |