2011年5月,澳洲的工作岗位仅增加7800个,远少于众多经济学家预测的2.5万个。这些澳洲的经济学家也太不靠谱了,之前竟然预测RBA在8月份之前加息。 其中,全职工作岗位减少2.2万个,兼职工作岗位增加了2.98万个。 表现最出色的是NSW州,失业率从5.1%降为4.9%。其次是南澳,失业率从5.5%下跌到5.4%。昆士兰州的失业率保持不变,仍为5.2%。 堪培拉的失业率从3.6%上升为3.7%,达尔文的失业率从3.2%上升为3.5%。 维多利亚州的失业率从4.7%上升为5.1%,西澳州的失业率从4.1%上升为4.3%,塔斯马尼亚州的失业率从5.5%上升为5.8%。 随着新的财年GST拨款的变化,新州、西澳州、昆士兰州的经济将持续向好。 维多利亚州的苦日子开始了。 ABS这个消息公布后,澳元汇率应声而落,跌倒1.057. 从周2 RBA公布维持利率不变的消息后,澳元已经从1.075跌倒1.055. 澳元未来的走势将疲弱。 未来12个月,RBA不会加息。是否减息25个点,我们拭目以待。 The jobless rate remained at 4.9% for a 3rd month in a row in May as the total number of people employed rose by just 7800 in the month, new official data shows. Part-time jobs grew by 29,800 positions. The unemployment rate in NSW fell to 4.9% in May from 5.1% the previous month, and eased to 5.4% from 5.5% in South Australia. However, the jobless rate jumped to 5.1% from 4.7% in Victoria, and rose to 4.3% from 4.1% in Western Australia. It also rose in Tasmania to 5.8% from 5.5%, to 3.5% from 3.2% in the Northern Territory and to 3.7% from 3.6% in the ACT. Queensland's rate is unchanged at 5.2%. [ 本帖最后由 长安雪梨 于 2011-6-9 12:33 编辑 ] |