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Six Years – 24th February 2004

2004-12-10 20:49| 发布者: astina | 查看: 10872| 原文链接

I have always got the feeling that time passes by at an accelerated speed. The older one gets, the faster it flies. Today is the sixth anniversary of my landing in Australia. I have already spent more than two thousand days and nights, a fair portion of my life, in this country. Though time never cares to stop for anyone for whatever reason, on such a special day I may deserve to slow down the pace and have a look at all the way I have come through.

Some memory may fade away while truly unforgettable moments still remain, standing out from time and all the trivialities in life. How can I forget the first day when I wandered around in Melbourne airport with a trolley full of luggage and a face filled only with blankness? How can I forget that interview from which I got my first job offer? How can I forget those nights when I picked up the phone but could find no one in Melbourne whom I can ring and have a bit of chatting with? How can I forget that day when I reunited with my husband after living alone in this country for five months? How can I forget that stressful auction in which I bid for my house and beat seven other bidders? How can I forget the first night I slept under my own roof after drifting around for 3 years, moving from one rented flat to another?  After all these years, there is too much pain and joy, disappointment and excitement, confusion, loss and exhilaration that are not easy, if ever possible, to forget.  There will always exist a spot in my heart for the memory of those moments, till the end of my day.

Life has treated me generously, for which I have never stopped feeling grateful.  It has given me health, family, friends and passion to build a better tomorrow, let alone those happy days when I laugh to my tears. Surely it has also given me pain and sadness but haven’t I grown stronger and braver through all the struggling? Thanks to everything life has taught me in the six years,  I am no longer the same lonely girl wandering around in Melbourne airport, not knowing what tomorrow would be like.  Yet deep down I am still the same person, hungry for good food, keen to make friends and desperately curious about the unknown days ahead.
