给他做的爱心饼干,偶真是个好妈吗~~ 烤前 烤后 开吃 吃得到处都是 够吃阵子了 recipe: Cheese Biscuits 1 cup - rolled oats 1/3 cup - Butter 1 cup - Water 3/4 cup - Cornmeal 1 ts - beef stock 1/2 cup - Milk 1 cup - Cheese, cheddar; shredded 1 Egg, beaten 3 cup Flour, whole wheat Boil water. Combine oats, butter and water. Let stand ten minutes. Stir in cornmeal, stock, milk, cheese and egg. Mix well. Add flour, a cup at a time, mixing well after each addition to form a stiff dough. On floured surface, knead in remaining flour until dough is smooth and no longer sticky, 3 to 4 minutes. Roll or pat out dough to 1 cm thickness. Cut with bone shaped cookie cutter. Place 2 cms apart on greased cookie tray. Bake in preheated oven at 160 degrees 35 to 45 minutes or until golden brown. Cool completely. 好笑的是烤的时候BF正好进来我说是烤给LATTE的,他以为我开玩笑,烤好后就开吃起来..还说这蛮好吃的啊,不过没味道是不是要沾些什么来吃...偶才大呼,那真的是给LATTE的! 下面是以前做的 肌肉餐 羊肉餐 看看吃得多干净:si138 |