12-26岁(27岁以下)的姐妹们,现在可以去你的GP那里打免费的宫颈癌预防针了 一共3针,我上周末才打了第一针,很疼呢! 广告是在杂志上面看到的,看得两本杂志(reader's digest / bazaar)里面都有。下面是搜索的新闻。 National Cervical Cancer Vaccinations begin April 2007 Cervical cancer is the second most common cancer in woman Worldwide, which is almost caused by the human Papillomavirus(HPV) The good news is that a new vaccine, developed in Australia,can protect against HPV, the cause of up to 70 per cent of Cervical Cancers. The other good news is that the Australian Government will be providing free vaccines for all girls aged from 12-26 as from April 2006. And this program is run under by the National HPV Vaccination Program. For girls that are currently attending school and are at the age of 12,the program starts in April 2007. A consent form will be sent home shortly for parents to fill and return to their daughters school.... For Women who have left school, and are under the age of 27, the free Vaccine will be available from your GP or Community immunisation clinic from July. So what great news for some of us in that age bracket, but the best news oof it all is that is available for our girls before they reach their teens... For more Information this is the website to look at. australia.gov.au/cervicalcancer |