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15/06/05 - Such a Long Weekend

2005-6-15 14:44| 发布者: JACK | 查看: 1458| 原文链接

It was Queens birthday on 13 Jun, so it was another precious long weekend.

Ever since the kids came into my life, I hardly had any public holiday or long weekend not planned for any activity.

Unfortunately, this one is an exception. I had to attend two exams, one on the Saturday of the long weekend and the other on the Tuesday following the long weekend. All I had in my plan was study study study. Time was so limited compared to what I had to digest before I attended the exams, yet this weekend seemed having been dragged on forever whereas usually I would complain the long weekend was not long enough.

Any way, now here I am, out of exams, (well, not until another a couple of months), and wondering what can we do on the next long weekend.

Most importantly, many many thanks to Daddy Wang for his hard work over the last week. Without Mommy being around, the kids still had a happy weekend. I am proud of you, Daddy!
