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Earn High Interest (5.55-5.65%) and $40 Bonus

2005-6-20 10:41| 发布者: xiaoxiao | 查看: 808| 原文链接

Do you want your savings to earn a premium interest rate without being locked into a term deposit or cash management account? Here are two options enable you to get a very easy $40 and high interest rate!

First option: Esanda is one of the biggest financial institutions in OZ and is a subsidy company of ANZ bank and it has successfully run for more than 60 years. Open an online account with Esanda online saver by 31 July you will earn an interest rate of 5.55% and receive a $20 bonus.

Second option: EasyStreet is a famous credit union across Australia and the award winning online EasyStreet Savings Account will provide higher 5.65% interest rate. If you apply for an Easy Street saving account by Member Get Member program (referred by a friend), you will receive a $20 bonus as well.

Basically, both accounts provide the following benefits!

5.55%-5.65% p.a. (Even higher than term deposit)
At-call funds
Access 24/7 via internet banking, very reliable
No fixed term
No minimum deposit
No bank fees

To set up your online account you will need to nominate an existing personal bank or credit union account from which you will transfer funds between. Your fund is absolutely secure and you can only transfer your fund from online account to your nominated account.

For Easy street account application, by Member Get Member Program, you can also introduce other friends to join this program to give all of you a little lovely award!

So, how to get $20 bonus when you open the account? That is so easy!

When you are filling out the secure online EasySavings application form, they will be asked "How did they hear about Easy Street?"

Using the drop down menu you will need to select referred by "Family Member, Friend or Acquaintance".

You will then be prompted to supply them with referrer's name and postcode so that they can correctly identify him/her as the referrer. Ok, That is done! Several days after you mail out your application form, you will receive email notice about your account details and $20 will be credited to your account as soon as your account is ready. Check the following link for more details and kick start your savings off:

Email me for the info if you want to take advantage of the Member get Member program ($20 bonus) of Easy street account application.

Good Luck!
