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2007-8-30 09:58| 发布者: 思思妈妈 | 查看: 1212| 原文链接

刚才整理电脑,看到一篇以前做的读书笔记,希望对打算母乳喂养的妈妈或是刚开始母乳喂养的妈妈有所帮助。书名是HOW BREASTFEEDING REALLY WORKS, 以下是我整理的摘要,可是我一个字一个字码到电脑里的哦。


Breastfeeding for the first time

1. After a normal birth
   Best to wait until after your placenta is out, your stitches are done, and you can move more freely. In the meantime, you can keep your baby in your arms and concentrate on enjoying her.
   There should be no reason for your baby and you to be separated. Just having your baby near your breast has the added benefit of causing a release of hormones that contract your uterus more efficiently.

2. After an epidural or spinal anesthetic
   After a spinal, you may need to lie flat for a few hours to prevent a severe headache. You should be able to feed you whenever your and he are ready.

3. If you have a cesarean section
    You can still cuddle and feed your baby soon after delivery. Though you will need help. You will have to lie in bed for the first hours, but will probably be encouraged to get up and moved around soon, to promote healing.

4. After a general anesthetic
    Ask for your baby to be given to you as soon as you waken. A helper can put you baby to you breast, at least for a cuddle, even if you are not full awake. You can learn how to feed her once you have recovered from the anesthetic. In the meantime you and she will have had time together, and she may have even had a chance to feed.

5. If your baby is taken to intensive or special care nursery
    Then you can still stimulate your breast to produce milk soon after delivery. Go see your baby and, if you can, touch or hold her as soon as possible; this will help you and also you’re your milk supply. Then ask for help in expressing you milk.
    Express in the first few hours after birth, and then every three hours or so, regularly, until you can feed your baby. Ask to hold her, or at least touch and stroke her, before you express, as this will help.

[ 本帖最后由 思思妈妈 于 2007-8-30 09:27 编辑 ]
