霍华德称赞Tony Abbott是大选中真实的值得信赖的候选人 2010年3月15日 The Australian (译者注:这是3年前的报导。可今天看,仍然有借鉴意义。) 霍华德对其继任发出严厉的攻击,声称kevin rudd在政府里毫无作为,其经济刺激政策”太大“,以及工党缺乏改革的勇气。 在The Australian的采访中,这位前总理说Tony Abbott代表着澳洲中产阶层,并说这位”霍华德战士“对联盟党的四次胜利至关重要,因为他比Kevin Rudd更真实,值得信赖。 但是霍华德承认工党有可能会再度获选。”除了花掉大量的金钱外- 这轻而易举,因为每个人都会赞同 -他(Kevin Rudd)毫无作为。“ 霍华德说,”这是他的大问题。即使把他跟Hawke 和 Keating 的早年比较,他们都做了比Rudd多得多的事。 "经济信心所依靠的不只是在海外市场萧条时花费大量的金钱去刺激经济。我们之所以在这(经济信心)方面有良好信誉的原因之一便是我们开展了经济改革。而现在Rudd政府没有做任何经济改革。“ 霍华德说在1996年赢得政权后的两年里,他和财政部长Peter Costello ”即制定致力于实现财政盈余的预算,我们完全革新了整个劳工交换系统,我们卖了30%的Telstra的股份,我们改变了劳动力市场,我们赋予储备银行自主权,我们修订了预算诚实法章程(译者注:该法规要求政府发布财政管理策略,要求政府定期公布预算、经济和财政展望报告),我们将Wallis质询(译者注:一项由澳洲政府委托的,探讨彻底变革金融系统的潜在可能性的调查,意图在建立监管框架及收紧监管措施,松开防护措施及引进外国竞争,为客户提供多样化服务及提高支付服务的品质)引进到金融系统“。 他说他们还还清了负债和进行了海岸改革(译者注:一项旨在提高渔业生产力,改革行业关系,尤其是削弱工会权力和工会干预的变革)。 在税收上,霍华德对其政府在1998年提议向大众征收GST (Goods and Service Tax)与工党撤回Henry Tax Review表现出的怯懦作了对比。 ”我们已经宣布,我们有对税务系统进行改革的意图,而不是一个对税务系统的质询。改革包括引入一个广泛应用的间接税。“他说。 ”我们是在1997年9月宣布的,那时我们刚刚赢得大选18个月。“ 霍华德说工党对他们提出的经济信心得意洋洋,但却害怕做艰难的决定。 ”你必须把你的政治资本花费在变革上,” 他说,“我是决意这么用的。“ 霍华德说跟其他国家相比,澳大利亚得益于25年来的两边党派在前任政府领导下共同做出了贡献的经济变革,所以保持状态良好。 “按全世界的标准来看,我们的刺激(政策)太强烈了。”霍华德说。”这个刺激远比美国和英国的刺激来得大。但是我们承受不起这样大的刺激。我认为它太大了。我不是说完全不应该有(经济刺激)。“ 霍华德说选民们都已经选择姑且相信新总理了。 ”他们已经对Rudd很宽松了。“ 他说。”我想现在许多人在说,“好吧,你已经上任两年了,你已经花了很多霍华德的钱。其实,那是我们的钱,是霍华德省下来给你的我们的钱。你还做了些什么?你告诉过我们这伟大的ETS是个壮举,那么你在这方面做了些什么了呢?很多人都开始这么想。还有许多其他的事,不胜枚举。但是在选举委员会正蔓延开这么一种强烈的感觉--他就会夸夸其谈,毫无实际行动。“ 作为反对党领袖的政治导师,霍华德说,他认为Tony Abbott有机会在下一次选举中获胜。 ”Tony有强大的潜力吸引澳洲中产阶层的选票,因为他比Rudd更真实,更值得信赖。“ John Howard tips 'authentic' Tony Abbott for election battle by: Tom Dusevic, National chief reporter From: The Australian March 15, 2010 12:00AM JOHN Howard has launched a scathing attack on his successor, claiming Kevin Rudd has "done nothing" in government, that the economic stimulus was "too big" and that Labor lacks the courage for reform. In an interview with The Australian, the former prime minister says Tony Abbott is connecting with middle Australia, the "Howard battlers" vital to four Coalition victories, because he is more "authentic" than Mr Rudd. But Mr Howard concedes Labor will probably be re-elected. "Apart from spending a lot of money, which is easy to do because everybody puts their hand up for it, he (Mr Rudd) has not done anything," Mr Howard said. "This is his big problem. Even comparing him with Hawke and Keating in their first couple of years, they'd done a lot more. "Economic credentials depend on more than spending a lot of money to stimulate the economy when there's an overseas recession. One of the reasons why we had a good reputation in this area was that we had undertaken economic reforms. Now there are no economic reforms the Rudd government has undertaken." Mr Howard said that within two years of winning government in 1996, he and treasurer Peter Costello "set the budget on the road to being in surplus, we completely revolutionised the whole labour exchange system, we'd sold 30 per cent of Telstra, we'd changed the labour market, we'd given the Reserve Bank independence, we had a charter of budget honesty, we'd got the Wallis inquiry into the financial system." They also paid off debt and reformed the waterfront, he said. On tax, Mr Howard contrasted his government's taking a proposal for a goods and services tax to the people in 1998 with Labor's timidity in holding back the Henry tax review. "We had announced, not an inquiry into the taxation system, an intention to reform the taxation system, including the introduction of a broad-based indirect tax," he said. "We announced that in September of 1997, which was only 18 months after we'd won office." Mr Howard said Labor was gloating about its supposed economic credibility but was scared of taking difficult decisions. "You have to spend political capital on reforms," he said. "I was absolutely determined to do that." Mr Howard said Australia was in good shape compared with other countries because of 25 years of reform "to which both sides of politics, under previous governments, contributed". The only reason Labor was able to respond as it did to the global financial crisis, he argued, was because "the former government left the books in very good shape". "Our stimulus was very big by world standards," Mr Howard said. "It was much bigger than the stimulus in America or Britain. But we could afford to have it much bigger. I think it was too big. I'm not saying there shouldn't have been any." Mr Howard said voters had given the new Prime Minister the benefit of the doubt. "They've cut Rudd a lot of slack," he said. "But I think a lot of people are now saying, `OK, you've had two years, you've spent a lot of Howard's money -- well it's not Howard's money, it's our money Howard saved for you. What else have you done? And you told us this great ETS was a big thing, so what are you doing about it? A lot of people are starting to think that. A myriad other things. But there's quite a strong feeling developing in the electorate he's all talk and no action." Mr Howard, who is the Opposition Leader's political mentor, said he thought Mr Abbott had a chance to win the next election. "Tony has a great potential to appeal to middle Australia, because he is more authentic than Rudd," he said. "History tells you that the government will probably get a second term. But history is there to be remade and recast and turned on its head. "But if you look at the history of this country, you've only had one government turned out after its first term, at a federal level. It's happened quite a bit at state level, quite a bit. "Tony understands that. He's said it's possible, not probable, he'll win. It's a fair way of putting it. He's got a chance. Rudd does not have a super majority." 霍华德称赞Tony Abbott ”真实,值得信赖“ |