既然大家体力都不如刚总好,可以考虑玩远距的,找个高点方圆两平方公里守株待兔怎么样 很多人推荐 Remington 700 SPS Tactical .308 WIN 价位1100左右再配个好镜子,水平好的花几百子弹钱调好应该就差不多了吧 http://www.cabelas.com/product/R ... al-Rifle/754565.uts 最牛叉的评论800码误差10厘米内 i bought one of these rifles last july and the accuracy is amazing on it i regularly shoot and easily shoot 3-4 inch groups at 800 yards i used it to hunt antelope last fall and my doe was an easy target at 800 yards very accurate when set up right and the 5r rifled barrel is the way to go for those long long shots 激光测距,风向误差计算一下,几百米外开枪说不定猎物也不会跑很远还有机会再打 800米后掉了5米,但是能量应该够打死羊的 |