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2013-11-24 10:27| 发布者: slicendice | 查看: 1160| 原文链接

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Product Spotlight: Deer Prep Made Easy

by:  Joe Byers  

You got your deer… congratulations! Now it’s decision time. Take the animal to the butcher shop and have them prepare it or do things yourself. For many sportsmen, this seeming dilemma is a no-brainer; they enjoy taking their prize from hero shot to the dinner table and controlling every step in between. Skinning and butchering a deer alone can be quite a job, yet the folks at Sportsman’s Guide have an excellent solution, one I recently put to the test. Called the Deluxe 360-Degree Swivel Lift System, a hunter can slide the base of the lift into a trailer hitch orifice, attach the included gambrel to the buck’s legs, and crank it up, making the skinning of a deer quite easy. Once the buck is “undressed,” the lift will swing the buck into the bed of the truck for easy transport. In dusty areas, you may want to leave the skin on the deer before transporting it and then swing it back for final processing.

Despite the considerable work this device achieves, it’s available from for just $80.99. Here are the official details from the manufacturer:
