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被当地媒体称为CHINESE MOB(暴徒) 无语

2008-4-24 16:58| 发布者: maxiaoc | 查看: 6660| 原文链接

POLICE lost control of angry mobs of Chinese nationals who ran amok threatening or assaulting non-Chinese in the latter stages of the torch relay today.

In angry scenes hundreds of metres away from the torch relay, thousands of Chinese nationals surrounded and scuffled with Tibetan activists near Commonwealth Park, scene of the relay’s final stage.

In one incident, an Australian couple waving a Tibetan flag were mobbed by dozens of Chinese activists on Commonwealth Avenue Bridge.

The Chinese grabbed the flag, threw it off the bridge and began punching the man and woman, aged in their 20s. No police were around.

Near the National Library about 200 Chinese converged on a man with a Tibetan flag and ripped it out of his hands.

Earlier, as the torch made its way from Parliament House towards Lake Burley Griffin, pushing and shoving broke out between police and two Chinese attendants accompanying the torch.,22049,23591375-5001021,00.html

How Dare Chinese people think they even have the right to dare harm an Australian. Who do there think they are for crying out loud??? Every single Chinese person who harms an Australian should be sent back to China IMMEDIATELY. Regardless of where they were born. We don't want you here!!

What a proud day for China and its citizens. Not!

I have a colleague of mine there today and he has confirmed reports that bystanders of european background (not holding any flags) have also been the victims of taunts, spitting and minor assualts from pro chinese supporters. How in the hell do they get away with this in our country? I work for an asian company and have just finished a month travelling around asia which I really enjoyed so I am not pulling on a racist mask here but Rudd really needs to come out and do a please explain on how these mass protests were arranged (yes it;s quite obvious), we should have pulled out a few tanks and driven them down the street, they may have shut them all up. Find out who they were, chinese, tibetans etc and throw them all out. Imagine doing that in China, you would disappear. If you love China that much (to the minority of idiots / govt agents), go the hell home and protest there.

[ 本帖最后由 maxiaoc 于 2008-4-24 16:01 编辑 ]
