根据国际通行的射击比赛规则,射手在得到“装子弹”或“开始”的口令、信号后才能装子弹;“停放”口令下达后,射手必须立即停止射击,退出子弹,关上保险,并把枪放下。射手在打完最后一发子弹离开射击地线前,必须经裁判员检查枪支和弹夹,以确保安全。 比赛期间,放下武器之前,选手都必须退出子弹和弹夹。枪支放下前,必须打开闭锁装置,呈安全状态。这些规则,基本也适用于训练期间。 新南威尔士州的枪械管理部门Firearms Registry有Introduction to Firearms, 学习一下关于这些枪支安全规则,任何时候,“安全第一”。 基本的枪支安全规则 关于枪支的第一条规则是,保证安全是你的首要任务。 有四种基本规则以确保枪支安全: 1,永远假设所有枪支都是装填子弹上了膛的枪支对待; 2,总是把你的枪支指向安全的方向(任何时候任何地点,枪口永远不许对着另一个人); 3,永远不要加载子弹到枪膛,直到你已准备射击; 和 4,保持你的手指放在扳机框外离开扳机,直到你准备射击。 BASIC FIREARM SAFETY The first rule about firearms is that safety is your top priority. There are four basic rules to ensure firearms safety: 1. Treat all firearms as if they are loaded; 2. Always point your firearm in a safe direction (never allow the muzzle of your firearm to point at another person); 3. Never load a live round into the chamber of a firearm until you are ready to shoot; and 4. Keep your finger off the trigger until you are ready to shoot. 始终遵循以下基本原则: *当经过持枪的人或拿起枪支的时候,检查枪支保险是否已被打开和枪内子弹是否已上膛; *你的枪支就是你的责任; *请务必保证射击区域清晰,确定哪些是超出你的目标; *您完成射击后要卸下弹匣(如果已安装),并检查枪膛是空的; *确保所有枪支空膛运输并按照指引防止被滥用或被盗; *不要允许未经授权者接触您的枪械或弹药; *不要在攀爬围墙或障碍物时身背装填子弹上膛枪支; *在射击场或公共内, 鼓励保证枪支安全和负责任的掌控现场; *了解你的枪支操作方法,保持良好的维修和总是使用正确的弹药; *不要存放枪支和弹药在一起。 确保他们在不使用时安全地锁起来; *不要在使用酒精或药物后进行射击; *有关安全保管储藏枪支,合法拥有枪支的所有法律要求和使用规则, 你可以访问新南威尔士州,或其它任何州或地区的枪械管理部门; *合法处置多余的枪支。 将它交给警方或将其出售或通过有许可证的枪支经销商出售。 *请务必告当地知枪械管理部门,如果你的住宅或储枪保险柜的地址有变化,或者您搬家到另一州或地区。 它是一种犯罪行为如果你没有这样做。 Always follow these general principles: * When passing a firearm to someone or when picking a firearm up, check whether the firearm is loaded by opening the action and looking inside the chamber; * Your firearm is your responsibility; * Always ensure that the firing zone is clear and identify what is beyond your target; * When you have finished shooting remove the magazine (if fitted), unload it and check that the chamber is empty; * Make sure that all firearms are transported unloaded and according to the guidelines to prevent misuse or theft; * Never allow unauthorised access to your firearm or ammunition; * Do not climb fences or obstacles with loaded firearms; * Encourage safe and responsible handling of firearms in the field, on the range and within the community; * Understand the operation of your firearm, keep it in good repair and always use the correct ammunition; * Never store firearms and ammunition together. Ensure they are safely locked away when not in use; * Never mix shooting with alcohol or drugs; * Be familiar with the legal requirements for safe storage, firearms ownership and possession and use of firearms in NSW or in any State or Territory you may visit; * Dispose of unwanted firearms lawfully. Surrender them to police or sell them to or through a licensed firearms dealer. * Always inform the Firearms Registry if you have a change of residential or safe storage address, or if you move to another State or Territory. It is an offence to fail to do so. |