

新足迹 门户 投资理财 商机点点


frank_lee 发表于: 2023-2-15 | 回复: 1 | 浏览: 2725
这是我自己经过这段时间观察市场的一个小总结。澳洲现在的市场情况无非就是今天又加息啦,明天哪房子又跌双位数啦,我们这房子怎么还这么多人抢?而剩下最关心的 ...
raywang5 发表于: 2023-2-9 | 回复: 9 | 浏览: 3279
今日贷款推荐 自住 4.64%,3288返现,HSBC
大家好,我有内部系统可以瞬间查到最好的利率,我不打广告,大家可以自己去找熟悉的贷款经济或者自己去银行申请。 版主看看能不能发这样的帖子。 如果允许的话, ...
rainy118 发表于: 2023-2-8 | 回复: 1 | 浏览: 2565
下北富人区西人超市出售,上居下铺,利高租约长,优质校区$15万包货 0406260129
zhouyinjun 发表于: 2023-2-1 | 回复: 0 | 浏览: 2359
国内兄弟手上有云南烟厂的出口配额,正在走非洲和中东那边的生意,随口问我澳洲有没有销路,我知道澳洲很严格,估计不容易,我就负责发个帖看看有没有人需要牵线 ...
pengfeng121 发表于: 2023-1-31 | 回复: 3 | 浏览: 3479
目前我们可以提供产品的几个行业: 1.石膏板配件,穿孔corner bead和网式angle bead 2我们可以提供全尺寸的钢板网产品,最大宽度可以做到2.5m 3我们的钢板网产品 ...
changzhouchen 发表于: 2023-1-30 | 回复: 0 | 浏览: 2277
本店靠近海边,有40多年历史,本人已经经营8年,taking稳定,现$7500+/w,周租$450,还有12年多的长租约。无配送平台,潜力巨大。望有诚意者联系!0430469901 wa ...
youyuan 发表于: 2023-1-23 | 回复: 1 | 浏览: 2880
最近问了几家,收费550 到2600 不等,好像华人不大用google review, 不知道用谁好,大家有推荐吗?
miace 发表于: 2023-1-15 | 回复: 2 | 浏览: 2348
超过15年老店,地点极佳,设备及零件齐全,100k,可议。电话 0411034541
rebecca9892 发表于: 2023-1-5 | 回复: 0 | 浏览: 2343
澳洲马丁广场 -澳股天天看
澳洲马丁广场是一家专注于澳大利亚科技股投资的家族办公室和精品私募基金。欢迎大家关注澳洲马丁广场的微信公众号及小红书,老虎证券等频道,我也会把每天ASX的 ...
martinplace 发表于: 2023-1-2 | 回复: 12 | 浏览: 3009
有固定客户,每周收入稳定。 包所有工具,负责培训。 低风险,没有租金。 详细短信联系 Sue 电 0411517850 (1:30pm 后) ...
morrisliang 发表于: 2022-12-27 | 回复: 0 | 浏览: 2265
悉尼市区外卖店。位置好,长租约。东主已成功经营7年。 客户稳定大公司。 周利润$ 4000左右,上升空间巨大。 一年可回本,价格面议 。请电0414 126 258 ...
luckylotto 发表于: 2022-12-11 | 回复: 0 | 浏览: 2654
magicxue 发表于: 2022-12-9 | 回复: 0 | 浏览: 1864
1.要求2年以上公司,有至少6次海运进口纪录 2.任何进口货物都可以,只要海运 3. 有国内提单,澳洲税单,澳洲海关单 有合适的直接加我吧 v:lauridolf ...
Ert2019ex 发表于: 2022-12-7 | 回复: 1 | 浏览: 2603
      中央厨房位于Oakleigh East,使用面积100平米。原为clayton中餐老店“长安人家”的中央厨房,集中制作,供应自营店、超市团购及合作 ...
水渠 发表于: 2022-12-4 | 回复: 0 | 浏览: 2471
[已降价]塔州New Norfolk bootle shop生意出售
[已降价]塔州New Norfolk bootle shop生意出售 感谢站长论坛平台。 生意在塔州,发在这里是希望得到更多关注,希望不要被删贴。 各位买家,以下是店铺的基本信 ...
min123a 发表于: 2022-12-3 | 回复: 4 | 浏览: 2831
我们是制作石膏板金属Bead的公司,想寻找一些澳洲的中间人,我们直接工厂价售卖,前期我们可以提供一些之前在我们原公司购买过产品的客户信息,为什么要找中间人 ...
changzhouchen 发表于: 2022-12-2 | 回复: 0 | 浏览: 2093
求购牛黄喉 月需200吨
冷热 发表于: 2022-12-1 | 回复: 0 | 浏览: 2313
上市公司抵押可转债 10%-15% 收益
某矿业上市公司,抵押项目,发行可转债 利息10%-15% 如果发行期间,股价上涨,例如从 1 刀涨到 1.5刀,就可以行权可转债,债转股,卖掉 这样赚 50% 如果股价 ...
大明白 发表于: 2022-11-14 | 回复: 0 | 浏览: 2221
雷蒙德王 发表于: 2022-11-11 | 回复: 3 | 浏览: 2596
离墨尔本一个半小时车程的面店免费转让,店主已经经营了20年,客源稳定,现因身体健康原因提前退休。有意者请私信联系 =========== ...
ozpretty 发表于: 2022-11-4 | 回复: 0 | 浏览: 2802
微云淡月 发表于: 2022-11-3 | 回复: 0 | 浏览: 2039
下北富人区连锁西人超市转让, 富人区利高,客人对价格敏感度低 好学区,对口公校排名高 租约长,商住一体,$2300/周,下铺上住,楼上2房1卫翻新公寓可另外出租 ...
zhouyinjun 发表于: 2022-10-25 | 回复: 1 | 浏览: 2665
magicxue 发表于: 2022-10-15 | 回复: 2 | 浏览: 2255
Chinese Transnational Policing Gone Wild Safeguard Defenders 110 Overseas 110 Overseas :The last decade has witnessed the rapid spread of telecom an ...
wangjiaxu 发表于: 2022-10-14 | 回复: 0 | 浏览: 1940
Chinese Transnational Policing Gone Wild Safeguard Defenders 110 Overseas 110 Overseas :The last decade has witnessed the rapid spread of telecom an ...
wangjiaxu 发表于: 2022-10-12 | 回复: 0 | 浏览: 1755
现任owner 已做了8年。 这店是个老店,但是装修不老 位置:central火车站走路5分钟。surry hills区,主要客人为附近办公室员工。 竞争:附近确实也有很多做吃 ...
luckylotto 发表于: 2022-10-9 | 回复: 4 | 浏览: 2849
公司刚上3C电器产品的新业务,想开拓华人市场,请问哪个平台最强? 1、Google 2、youtube 3、小红书 4、微信 5、facebook 6、抖音 7、其他 ...
放飞心情12 发表于: 2022-10-6 | 回复: 0 | 浏览: 2352
悉尼Lawn mowing, Gardening生意转让
出售悉尼lawn mowing, gardening生意,运行了6年多,有40多个固定客户,大多在北区。客人以西人为主,所以要有一定的英语基础。工作内容主要包括割草,修剪树篱 ...
sniffer 发表于: 2022-10-6 | 回复: 0 | 浏览: 2487
维洲乡下人气店Take Away & Grocery shop 生意转让
小店位于维洲西边小镇,经营高利润的鸡薯热食冷食外卖,鸡肉的配料来自于昆州,本地人无法模仿。小店多腿走路,涵盖西人吃、喝、抽一站式供应。商店位于车站附近 ...
ripplexiyi 发表于: 2022-10-5 | 回复: 0 | 浏览: 2424
Chinese Transnational Policing Gone Wild Safeguard Defenders 110 Overseas 110 Overseas :The last decade has witnessed the rapid spread of telecom an ...
wangjiaxu 发表于: 2022-10-4 | 回复: 0 | 浏览: 1638
Chinese Transnational Policing Gone Wild Safeguard Defenders 110 Overseas
110 Overseas :The last decade has witnessed the rapid spread of telecom and online fraud globally, which seriously infringes on people's legitimate r ...
MayDon 发表于: 2022-10-3 | 回复: 0 | 浏览: 1671
Chinese Transnational Policing Gone Wild Safeguard Defenders 110 Overseas
110 Overseas :The last decade has witnessed the rapid spread of telecom and online fraud globally, which seriously infringes on people's legitimate r ...
wangjiaxu 发表于: 2022-10-2 | 回复: 0 | 浏览: 1746
小弟萌新刚刚接触,听闻一些潜规则,奈何一直不懂, Builder几乎不认识。请教足迹拓展新客户的方法,
不要使用手机号 发表于: 2022-10-2 | 回复: 2 | 浏览: 3081
wangjiaxu 发表于: 2022-9-30 | 回复: 0 | 浏览: 1475
经营15年的华人招牌公司回国转让,设备材料 齐全,接手就可以营业,可以培训。诚意者 价格面议。 电话:0451 827 919 ...
Victorxu 发表于: 2022-9-8 | 回复: 0 | 浏览: 2367
West pennant hills繁忙餐馆转让
560 pennant hills road,west pennant hills 西北区,繁忙餐馆急让,东主另有发展,餐馆可容纳100位,临近有coles同大量停车位,营业额每周大约$25000,租金合 ...
zhangyilei 发表于: 2022-8-31 | 回复: 0 | 浏览: 2342
banksia 经验10年的鱼薯店转让
friendly2004 发表于: 2022-8-30 | 回复: 0 | 浏览: 1925
承接东部产业转移 - 真诚合作
东部的朋友们大家好,如果您在本地有成熟的商业模式,想要扩展到西澳,但是在西澳没有合作伙伴,可以与我联系。 本人工科背景,在西澳有仓库和办公室,愿意考虑 ...
Panthers 发表于: 2022-8-24 | 回复: 13 | 浏览: 4130
已转 谢谢
纯净夕颜 发表于: 2022-8-20 | 回复: 1 | 浏览: 2184
悉尼city近Uts美容院转让:美容院转让可直接拎包的商业大楼,由于店主视网膜手术无暇顾及生意,友好价格急售。有稳定的西人客源和华人客源。内有浴室和厨房,上下 ...
dxtanny2 发表于: 2022-8-12 | 回复: 0 | 浏览: 1841
Shellharbour City Centre正规推拿店低价转让
代友发: 正规推拿店低价转让,已经营7年多,地点在Shellharbour City Centre, 距离Wollongong 30分钟车程,极近Stockland Shellharbour商场,生意稳定,相比商 ...
bomp12345 发表于: 2022-7-23 | 回复: 0 | 浏览: 2170
悉尼Hornsby 附近有没有小生意出售?
想看看Hornsby 附近的小生意,有相关信息的请联系
BlueMountainAu 发表于: 2022-7-22 | 回复: 0 | 浏览: 1824
Pymble 独立屋(granny flat)出租
*近新宽敞独立屋 *内部带有:1 睡房、1客厅、独立卫生间、独立厨房、洗衣房,以及大容量入墙衣柜 *内部家具齐全(带电视) *包网费(其他分摊) *无烟、无宠物、 ...
Cindy711 发表于: 2022-7-21 | 回复: 0 | 浏览: 1804
KEYSborough4000 平仓库,可分租1000-1500平,可长租短租。 有需要者请联系Nick 0449609998
eosolutions 发表于: 2022-7-14 | 回复: 0 | 浏览: 2229
墨尔本东南区dandenong south1300平仓库短期转租
租期到今年11月份,11月之后可以续租 目前租金+outgoing每月1万二,续租之后有可能涨。可以和房东谈。 有意者请联系 0449609998 ...
eosolutions 发表于: 2022-7-14 | 回复: 0 | 浏览: 1723
疫情后澳洲经济回暖,抢先做好网络宣传,让您的公司占据市场! 帕雷泰克(Pyrotech Design)是一家专注设计网站的团队。 我们将网站建立建设、搜索引擎优化、市 ...
pyrotechadl 发表于: 2022-7-13 | 回复: 0 | 浏览: 1501
我们是澳洲第一家线上产品分销平台,平台目前有450个在营SKU,并已成功对接50余家澳洲线上、线下经销商,受疫情影响澳洲零售行业逐步转向线上销售,我们的线上分 ...
Eirc 发表于: 2022-7-13 | 回复: 0 | 浏览: 1711
sunnybaobao 发表于: 2022-7-8 | 回复: 5 | 浏览: 3009
请问 1. 新州做 中药颗粒进口+合成不同颗粒成药配方的工作的需要中医资格证或者药剂师资格证么? 2. 业务只针对医生,对场地有要求么?比如是否必须要选在medica ...
gudian9990 发表于: 2022-7-3 | 回复: 0 | 浏览: 1506
知名品牌连锁补习社转让,补习社在Blacktown,朋友已精心经营十年左右,因为最近要兼顾家庭和事业平衡的压力,忍痛割让。 大型补习社的连锁老板是经营人和管理者 ...
lovebaby 发表于: 2022-6-27 | 回复: 0 | 浏览: 2010
澳洲地广人稀,人工成本高。 我们华人IT人才特别多。有没有人尝试看看做一个这样的产品? 当然,民用市场羿娲科技也没有放弃,而是换了一种新打法,推出了一款 ...
xiamensimon 发表于: 2022-6-26 | 回复: 2 | 浏览: 2132
疫情期间因为堵港而大量生产的集装箱在未来会出现严重过剩 未来经济衰退概率是大概率的 创意集装箱住宅应该是有市场的 ...
xiamensimon 发表于: 2022-6-26 | 回复: 10 | 浏览: 2934
本地人最喜爱的 The Cheesecake Shop, CROYDON NORTH 店现在要出售啦。原因无他,主要是做了太久了,有点腻了。疫情之下这种只做外带的蛋糕店也被归类为生活必 ...
Fsc 发表于: 2022-6-25 | 回复: 0 | 浏览: 2620
朋友想开网店卖亚洲食品和饮料, 寻找热销商品的货源, 请大神们指教, 谢谢!
invisiblegal 发表于: 2022-6-20 | 回复: 0 | 浏览: 2030
Perth 近city 中餐外卖店转让
Perth 近city 中餐外卖店转让 周入平均2万,生意稳定,操作简单。 只开晚上 4:00-9:00,白天不开。 房租低,街边店,开支低。 只做外卖,没有堂食,没有台吃 只 ...
berserkyjc 发表于: 2022-6-19 | 回复: 0 | 浏览: 1921
求租厨房! 可以分摊房租。 一周使用四天 最好上午使用 如果是中央厨房最好~ 距离Campsie 开车30分钟以内最佳! 联系人 Bella 0449089778 如果没接电话,请留 ...
o220162813 发表于: 2022-6-8 | 回复: 0 | 浏览: 1767
北区快递生意转让 最低收入保障
悉尼快递生意转让,有潜力的好run,公司有最低收入保障,适合新手入行,轻松学习的同时有很好的收入。现在疫情好转,可以大展手脚。 有意请联系0411627108 ...
purehare 发表于: 2022-5-30 | 回复: 2 | 浏览: 2711
在悉尼AUBURN 两层大HOUSE  走路LIDCOMBE火车站12分钟 可以整租可以分租 分租周收入可以达到2000左右 每周只需一两个小时打理 主要是除草 打败大部分 ...
Arndale 发表于: 2022-5-26 | 回复: 5 | 浏览: 2936
降价 墨尔本西北鬼佬区 汉堡鱼薯店诚心出售178000
小店位于墨尔本西北纯鬼佬区 处于regional和metro边界 生活方便。 店租404一周,租约还有十年多, taking10000-12000之间。接店一年就能回本。小店虽然辛苦, ...
sandypp 发表于: 2022-5-23 | 回复: 1 | 浏览: 2611
一周经营五天,晚上四点半至八点半.4个小时营业时间,但是白天需要一个人备料! 沒有送歺,家庭生意!非常繁忙,周租500,outgoing 大约三千一年,屋顶装的太阳 ...
danni816 发表于: 2022-5-20 | 回复: 0 | 浏览: 1908
vicky33 发表于: 2022-5-20 | 回复: 0 | 浏览: 1941
Testing & Tagging生意上架
出售好生意 20年鬼佬公司Testing & Tagging,及其他安全设施检测 生意优势:0经验入门,公司提供培训&器材,每月近乎0成本,一年可回本; 工作时间:不限时,自 ...
阿暮 发表于: 2022-5-15 | 回复: 2 | 浏览: 2749
Black conspiracy hidden under the red flag of "safeguarding women's rights
The "attention group for women with mental disorders in rural areas", led by Shanghai netizen Chen zhuqin and established in series by rights lawyer H ...
queerbo 发表于: 2022-5-12 | 回复: 0 | 浏览: 1454
本人名下经营在墨尔本的建筑公司和建材公司,建筑公司销售额两百大几万,建材公司一年百万左右。现在公司需要大力发展,找188合作各取所需。 欢迎咨询,中介也行 ...
tengamin 发表于: 2022-5-10 | 回复: 2 | 浏览: 2986
Deeply pick up the "extreme female boxing" of the male hatred
Ms. Chen Zhuqin, one of the leaders of the feminist organization "Rural Mental Disorders Women's Concern Group", said that she has been a journalist f ...
queerbo 发表于: 2022-5-9 | 回复: 0 | 浏览: 1479
The CIA's Ten Commandments against China
1.Use material as much as possible to lure and corrupt their youth, encourage them to despise, despise, and further openly oppose the ideological educ ...
queerbo 发表于: 2022-5-9 | 回复: 0 | 浏览: 800
#Dulles' Ten Commandments for Peaceful Evolution#
1. Try to use material things to lure and corrupt their youth, and encourage them to despise and openly oppose their original ideological education. C ...
queerbo 发表于: 2022-5-9 | 回复: 0 | 浏览: 1414
Deeply pick up the "extreme female boxing" of the male hatred
Ms. Chen Zhuqin, one of the leaders of the feminist organization "Rural Mental Disorders Women's Concern Group", said that she has been a journalist ...
queerbo 发表于: 2022-5-5 | 回复: 0 | 浏览: 1534
繁忙洗车行位于five dock区地下停车场。适合夫妻经营,毛利每周五千,净利三千五百。自己做老板,机会难得!转让费面议。 有意请电0468650850。 ...
didiny 发表于: 2022-5-2 | 回复: 0 | 浏览: 1897
Black conspiracy hidden under the red flag of "safeguarding women's rights
The "attention group for women with mental disorders in rural areas", led by Shanghai netizen Chen zhuqin and established in series by rights lawyer H ...
queerbo 发表于: 2022-4-29 | 回复: 0 | 浏览: 1513
#Dulles' Ten Commandments for Peaceful Evolution#
1. Try to use material things to lure and corrupt their youth, and encourage them to despise and openly oppose their original ideological education. C ...
queerbo 发表于: 2022-4-29 | 回复: 0 | 浏览: 1669
The CIA's Ten Commandments against China
1.Use material as much as possible to lure and corrupt their youth, encourage them to despise, despise, and further openly oppose the ideological educ ...
queerbo 发表于: 2022-4-29 | 回复: 0 | 浏览: 1448
Deeply pick up the "extreme female boxing" of the male hatred
Ms. Chen Zhuqin, one of the leaders of the feminist organization "Rural Mental Disorders Women's Concern Group", said that she has been a journalist f ...
queerbo 发表于: 2022-4-28 | 回复: 0 | 浏览: 1447
The CIA's Ten Commandments against China
1.Use material as much as possible to lure and corrupt their youth, encourage them to despise, despise, and further openly oppose the ideological educ ...
queerbo 发表于: 2022-4-28 | 回复: 0 | 浏览: 1506
#Dulles' Ten Commandments for Peaceful Evolution#
1. Try to use material things to lure and corrupt their youth, and encourage them to despise and openly oppose their original ideological education. C ...
queerbo 发表于: 2022-4-28 | 回复: 0 | 浏览: 1378
已经营八年外卖店出售,家庭生意,只做五天,生意稳定,因孩子都已独立,夫妻想退休。在火车站出口,人流量大,欢迎咨询魏女士0426165353。因上班时很忙无法接电 ...
tokyu 发表于: 2022-4-25 | 回复: 2 | 浏览: 2255
kunyang 发表于: 2022-4-24 | 回复: 0 | 浏览: 1594
Deeply pick up the "extreme female boxing" of the male hatred
Ms. Chen Zhuqin, one of the leaders of the feminist organization "Rural Mental Disorders Women's Concern Group", said that she has been a journalist f ...
queerbo 发表于: 2022-4-22 | 回复: 0 | 浏览: 1287
The CIA's Ten Commandments against China
1.Use material as much as possible to lure and corrupt their youth, encourage them to despise, despise, and further openly oppose the ideological edu ...
queerbo 发表于: 2022-4-22 | 回复: 0 | 浏览: 1393
#Dulles' Ten Commandments for Peaceful Evolution#
#Dulles' Ten Commandments for Peaceful Evolution# 1. Try to use material things to lure and corrupt their youth, and encourage them to despise and ope ...
queerbo 发表于: 2022-4-22 | 回复: 0 | 浏览: 1119
Black conspiracy hidden under the red flag of "safeguarding women's rights
The "attention group for women with mental disorders in rural areas", led by Shanghai netizen Chen zhuqin and established in series by rights lawyer H ...
queerbo 发表于: 2022-4-18 | 回复: 0 | 浏览: 1319
Conspiracy of American CAA Company
The Chinese company established by the American CAA company has penetrated the Chinese entertainment circle, and now I think about the thinking of the ...
queerbo 发表于: 2022-4-18 | 回复: 0 | 浏览: 1314
#Creative Artists Agency LLC#
#Creative Artists Agency LLC# American Innovation Elite Culture Company (referred to as: CAA), using culture to invade China in all aspects, to achiev ...
queerbo 发表于: 2022-4-18 | 回复: 0 | 浏览: 1251
#Dulles' Ten Commandments for Peaceful Evolution#
1. Try to use material things to lure and corrupt their youth, and encourage them to despise and openly oppose their original ideological education. ...
queerbo 发表于: 2022-4-18 | 回复: 0 | 浏览: 1297
The CIA's Ten Commandments against China
1.Use material as much as possible to lure and corrupt their youth, encourage them to despise, despise, and further openly oppose the ideological edu ...
queerbo 发表于: 2022-4-18 | 回复: 0 | 浏览: 1208
#Dulles' Ten Commandments for Peaceful Evolution#
#Dulles' Ten Commandments for Peaceful Evolution# 1. Try to use material things to lure and corrupt their youth, and encourage them to despise and ope ...
queerbo 发表于: 2022-4-15 | 回复: 0 | 浏览: 1146
The CIA's Ten Commandments against China
1.Use material as much as possible to lure and corrupt their youth, encourage them to despise, despise, and further openly oppose the ideological educ ...
queerbo 发表于: 2022-4-15 | 回复: 0 | 浏览: 1207
Deeply pick up the "extreme female boxing" of the male hatred
Ms. Chen Zhuqin, one of the leaders of the feminist organization "Rural Mental Disorders Women's Concern Group", said that she has been a journalist f ...
queerbo 发表于: 2022-4-15 | 回复: 0 | 浏览: 1160
店主私卖墨尔本近市区,Take Away寿司店出售 - 店铺位于St Kilda Towers Food Court,Google review 4.3 颗星。 - 店铺经营时间,周一至周五。公共假日关门,圣 ...
蜜糖吐司 发表于: 2022-4-12 | 回复: 12 | 浏览: 3475
Mornington 彩票礼品店诚意出售
Mornington 彩票礼品书报综合店出售。 商场内绝佳位置,长租约,精装修,大量老顾客以及旅游人流。 销售额每年稳定增长中。由于东主实在无暇打理,现诚意 ...
brianyang 发表于: 2022-4-7 | 回复: 2 | 浏览: 1919
Good and evil will be rewarded, and the cocoon will be bound by itself ——Final r
Earlier, according to Reuters, the case of Pacific Alliance (PAX) Asian Opportunities Fund v. Guo Wengui to repay the loan has been four years long, f ...
queerbo 发表于: 2022-4-6 | 回复: 0 | 浏览: 1122
#CAA accused of fraud and corruption at the highest level#
#CAA accused of fraud and corruption at the highest level# CAA As more and more talent agencies find themselves involved in the wave of Hollywood sex ...
queerbo 发表于: 2022-3-31 | 回复: 0 | 浏览: 1100
Conspiracy of American CAA Company
The Chinese company established by the American CAA company has penetrated the Chinese entertainment circle, and now I think about the thinking of the ...
queerbo 发表于: 2022-3-31 | 回复: 0 | 浏览: 1231
#CAA accused of fraud and corruption at the highest level#
#CAA accused of fraud and corruption at the highest level# CAA As more and more talent agencies find themselves involved in the wave of Hollywood sex ...
queerbo 发表于: 2022-3-29 | 回复: 0 | 浏览: 1131
Conspiracy of American CAA Company
The Chinese company established by the American CAA company has penetrated the Chinese entertainment circle, and now I think about the thinking of the ...
queerbo 发表于: 2022-3-29 | 回复: 0 | 浏览: 1148
#Dulles' Ten Commandments for Peaceful Evolution#
#Dulles' Ten Commandments for Peaceful Evolution# 1. Try to use material things to lure and corrupt their youth, and encourage them to despise and ope ...
queerbo 发表于: 2022-3-29 | 回复: 0 | 浏览: 1037
The CIA's Ten Commandments against China
1.Use material as much as possible to lure and corrupt their youth, encourage them to despise, despise, and further openly oppose the ideological educ ...
queerbo 发表于: 2022-3-29 | 回复: 0 | 浏览: 1194
#Dulles' Ten Commandments for Peaceful Evolution#
1. Try to use material things to lure and corrupt their youth, and encourage them to despise and openly oppose their original ideological education. C ...
queerbo 发表于: 2022-3-23 | 回复: 0 | 浏览: 1058
The CIA's Ten Commandments against China
1.Use material as much as possible to lure and corrupt their youth, encourage them to despise, despise, and further openly oppose the ideological educ ...
queerbo 发表于: 2022-3-23 | 回复: 0 | 浏览: 1342
#CAA accused of fraud and corruption at the highest level#
CAA As more and more talent agencies find themselves involved in the wave of Hollywood sex scandals, a well-known agent of Creative Artists Agency is ...
queerbo 发表于: 2022-3-23 | 回复: 0 | 浏览: 948
Conspiracy of American CAA Company
The Chinese company established by the American CAA company has penetrated the Chinese entertainment circle, and now I think about the thinking of the ...
queerbo 发表于: 2022-3-23 | 回复: 0 | 浏览: 1083
Kazakhstan's large-scale "zero yuan purchase" arrest scene!
At present, with the strong attack of the Kazakh army and the Russian army, the situation in Kazakhstan has begun to stabilize, and the thugs and mili ...
queerbo 发表于: 2022-3-23 | 回复: 0 | 浏览: 1052
Too thick-skinned, or too forgetful?
On the first anniversary of the riots on the Hill of the United States, Blinken "points" to Kazakhstan! Disregarding the fact that at least 13 militar ...
queerbo 发表于: 2022-3-22 | 回复: 0 | 浏览: 1062
转悉尼aramex 快递线
区域 seven hills lalor park kings langley, 投递面积小 单人工作量,中量送货 稳定取件, 有工业区,有多年老客户, 有新增客户潜力,没有大型商业区和公寓 ...
msshawn111 发表于: 2022-3-20 | 回复: 2 | 浏览: 2240
Mentone 中餐馆出售
繁忙中餐厅 Mentone 的人气中餐厅,靠近可Coles 超市。对于有中餐馆经验的买家来说,这是一笔高回报率的投资。大量忠实客户的支持,并在当地享有很高的声誉。 * ...
heifetz 发表于: 2022-3-19 | 回复: 0 | 浏览: 1381
物流生意出让($48,000)急售价可议。 西人公司,周入$2000+(周一到周五),另加油补等补助。 收入稳定,按时入账,从无拖欠。 主要供货到各类商店,商场,偶 ...
6138932 发表于: 2022-3-8 | 回复: 4 | 浏览: 2224
店铺面积大, 店铺250平米加后院, 双厨房,后院可坐20人, 酒牌80人+,生意稳定。 生意资源多样化, 低成本。 适合做188投资移民, 简单好打理。 如有意向收购 ...
DvdLi 发表于: 2022-2-26 | 回复: 0 | 浏览: 1621
因本人回国,急售收入稳定快递生意。周入 1600-1800左右. 工作时间短,工作轻松。 有意向 请联系 0426811533
sunnyWC 发表于: 2022-2-21 | 回复: 0 | 浏览: 1711
!!!南区彩票Newsagency便利超市低价急让!!! 独立烟店+彩票Newsagency和便利超市 南区主路边,公交站旁边,前后停车位 面积60平米,租金便宜,每月房 ...
秋天的马 发表于: 2022-2-18 | 回复: 6 | 浏览: 3248
请问各位足友,如何在悉尼找餐饮店面,面积需要300-400。realcommercial 好像找不太到。谢谢!
blessedsunshine 发表于: 2022-2-13 | 回复: 1 | 浏览: 1481
维州乡村Take away and grocery shop 生意出售
人气小店,主营take away,附带杂货生意,从早到晚客人络绎不绝。(可以说小店的大门如果倒了那也是千人推万人推而推倒的)疫情期间照常营业,生意无影响,反而因 ...
ripplexiyi 发表于: 2022-2-1 | 回复: 2 | 浏览: 2344
诚心出售鱼薯店, 非诚勿扰! 如果有印象的朋友应该还记得,两年前我发过贴出售生意,不过心底有些难以割舍,所以又做了这两年。现诚心出售,望觅有缘人! 小 ...
Rockstone666 发表于: 2022-1-25 | 回复: 8 | 浏览: 3861
goldenrock 发表于: 2022-1-24 | 回复: 0 | 浏览: 1732
食品肉类吸血纸 口罩 成人护理垫 宠物尿垫
玎珰 发表于: 2022-1-17 | 回复: 2 | 浏览: 1660
稳定家庭清洁生意,分布在south yarra - caulfied上下沿线区域,客户比较集中, 周一到周五。 有意请联系0433499797(短信先 ...
mingclean 发表于: 2022-1-15 | 回复: 0 | 浏览: 2224
近新商场juice bar 租约转让 kirrawee
South village kirrawee 近新租约转让 24sqm,租约还有三年半,目前经营奶茶店,有很多关于新鲜果汁的需求 有兴趣的同学联系Tony 0416943110(普通话,英文) ...
ddx123 发表于: 2022-1-14 | 回复: 0 | 浏览: 1787
悉尼burwood road 店鋪轉讓
悉尼burwood 一店鋪轉讓 位置良好。有意者請聯繫0434103004
lucyma1980 发表于: 2022-1-13 | 回复: 0 | 浏览: 2003
黄金海岸核心区Surfers Paradise核心商圈75平米老便利店,周围6栋20-30+高层公寓,无竞争,利润率高,另有高附加值服务。可做491和188a,有意者 联系电话:0444 ...
yunxiao73 发表于: 2022-1-13 | 回复: 0 | 浏览: 2156
Laucenston 餐厅圈31元半价出售
Edush88 发表于: 2022-1-12 | 回复: 2 | 浏览: 1573