发表于 2024-10-4 20:41
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本帖最后由 利马克 于 2024-10-4 19:50 编辑
Boris Johnson has suggested that Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu bugged his toilet during a visit to Britain.
In his new memoir the former UK PM said that a listening device was found in his private bathroom at the Foreign Office after it was used by the controversial Middle East leader.
Writing in 'Unleashed', the former Tory premier alleged that his security team had made the discovery when they did a sweep of the toilets following a meeting in 2017.
He described how Mr Netanyahu had excused himself during talks at his old office to use the washroom, described as 'a secret annex… a bit like the gents in a posh London club.'
'Thither Bibi repaired for a while, and it may or may not be a coincidence but I am told that later, when they were doing a regular sweep for bugs, they found a listening device in the thunderbox,' Mr Johnson said.
这位前保守党首相在《释放》一书中写道,他的安全团队在 2017 年会议结束后对厕所进行清扫时发现了这一发现。
“内塔尼亚胡在那里待了一段时间,这可能是也可能不是巧合,但据我所知,后来,当他们在定期清扫窃听器时,他们在窃听室里发现了一个窃听装置,”约翰逊先生说。 |