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2011-12年全球TOP400大学出炉,看看有你的母校不? [复制链接]

发表于 2011-10-10 19:47 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 菜地一块 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 菜地一块 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整

http://www.timeshighereducation. ... 1-2012/top-400.html
1 California Institute of Technology  United States 94.8 95.7 56 97 98.2 99.9
2 Harvard University  United States 93.9 95.8 67.5 35.9 97.4 99.8
2 Stanford University  United States 93.9 94.8 57.2 63.8 98.9 99.8
4 University of Oxford  United Kingdom 93.6 89.5 91.9 62.1 96.6 97.9
5 Princeton University  United States 92.9 91.5 49.6 81 99.1 100
6 University of Cambridge  United Kingdom 92.4 90.5 85.3 55.5 94.2 97.3
7 Massachusetts Institute of Technology  United States 92.3 92.7 79.2 94.4 87.4 100
8 Imperial College London  United Kingdom 90.7 88.8 92.2 93.1 88.7 93.9
9 University of Chicago  United States 90.2 89.4 58.8 Data withheld by THE 90.8 99.4
10 University of California, Berkeley  United States 89.8 82.8 50.4 62.5 99.4 99.4
11 Yale University  United States 89.1 92.3 55.5 34.7 91.2 96.7
12 Columbia University  United States 87.5 89.1 67.6 Data withheld by THE 81.8 97.8
13 University of California, Los Angeles  United States 87.3 85.9 41 Data withheld by THE 92.5 97.3
14 Johns Hopkins University  United States 85.8 78.9 59.9 100 86.5 97.3
15 ETH Zürich - Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zürich  Switzerland 85 79.1 97.5 Data withheld by THE 85.8 87.2
16 University of Pennsylvania  United States 84.9 87 34.3 41.9 86.1 97.9
17 University College London  United Kingdom 83.2 77.8 91.8 41.4 84.3 89
18 University of Michigan  United States 82.8 75.4 47.2 53.3 90 94.3
19 University of Toronto  Canada 81.6 76.9 69 44.9 87.4 86.5
20 Cornell University  United States 80.5 70.4 53.4 Data withheld by THE 87.2 93.5
21 Carnegie Mellon University  United States 78.4 65.7 55 60.7 79.5 97.4
22 University of British Columbia  Canada 77.4 68.6 88.7 40.6 78.6 85.2
22 Duke University  United States 77.4 62.6 46.9 100 77.9 97.4
24 Georgia Institute of Technology  United States 77 66.6 65 99.2 73.8 91.9
25 University of Washington  United States 76.5 70.8 36.9 31.8 74 98.2
26 Northwestern University  United States 76.2 66.3 35.3 56.6 75.5 98.6
27 University of Wisconsin-Madison  United States 75.8 74.3 23.8 55.3 77.3 90.6
28 McGill University  Canada 75.5 72.8 81.4 35.1 78.4 77.1
29 University of Texas at Austin  United States 74.9 69.5 38.8 57.7 76.1 89.6
30 University of Tokyo  Japan 74.3 86.1 23 76.6 80.3 69.1
31 University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign  United States 74.2 67.9 50.7 Data withheld by THE 81.3 81.5
32 Karolinska Institute  Sweden 73.1 69.9 82 78.5 73.8 73.1
33 University of California, San Diego  United States 73 61.4 31.5 51.8 72 97.8
34 University of Hong Kong  Hong Kong 72.3 74 83.7 64.1 80.1 60.5
35 University of California, Santa Barbara  United States 72.1 55 52.6 85 65.3 99.9
36 University of Edinburgh  United Kingdom 72 63 79.8 41.3 61.4 92.3
37 University of Melbourne  Australia 71.9 62.2 82.5 44.4 72.4 80.7
38 Australian National University  Australia 71.2 62.8 93.8 41.7 75.1 72.6
38 University of California, Davis  United States 71.2 68 51.4 52.5 68.7 83.4
40 National University of Singapore  Singapore 70.9 65.7 93 60.7 79 63.4
41 Washington University in St Louis  United States 70.5 64 45.7 Data withheld by THE 58.9 96.1
42 University of Minnesota  United States 70 66.1 25.6 Data withheld by THE 72.5 85.4
43 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill  United States 69.3 67.6 20.2 35.5 62.6 92.6
44 New York University  United States 69 60.2 38.1 30.9 65.4 92.3
45 Ludwig-Maximilians-Universit?t München  Germany 67.6 63.8 54.3 40.7 59.9 84.6
46 école Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne  Switzerland 66.3 53.1 98.9 46.7 43.9 95.3
47 London School of Economics and Political Science  United Kingdom 66 66.4 96 41.1 75.4 50.6
48 University of Manchester  United Kingdom 65.7 59 80.4 37.7 61.1 75.6
49 Brown University  United States 65.6 59.8 33.4 34.9 53.6 93.9
49 Peking University  China 65.6 82.3 51.7 99.9 64.1 51
51 Pennsylvania State University  United States 64.9 53.5 29.5 61.6 66.7 83.4
52 Kyoto University  Japan 64.8 76.4 21.1 71.7 72 56.3
53 Pohang University of Science and Technology  Republic of Korea 64.6 56.4 25 100 51.9 92.3
54 Boston University  United States 64.2 60.7 37.2 27.6 46.2 95.6
55 University of Southern California  United States 64 65.8 41.1 99.3 48.7 80.2
56 King's College London  United Kingdom 63.2 49.8 90 40.8 54.2 80.9
57 Ohio State University  United States 63 61.8 42.2 49.9 56.2 77.5
58 University of Sydney  Australia 62.4 55.4 88.1 92.1 65.7 57.2
59 école Normale Supérieure  France 62 56.6 66.2 44.7 33.5 96.4
59 University of Pittsburgh  United States 62 54.3 26.5 37.5 53.9 88.7
61 University of Zürich Switzerland 61.9 56.7 87.4 43.5 45.9 78.4
62 Hong Kong University of Science and Technology  Hong Kong 61.7 51 80.1 59 58.6 71
63 école Polytechnique  France 61.5 50.4 86.1 63 38.8 89.1
64 University of Massachusetts  United States 61.1 54 27.3 53.2 58.3 80.1
65 McMaster University  Canada 61 41.9 72 97.5 49.9 85.5
66 University of Bristol  United Kingdom 60.9 44.2 73.7 34.8 47.7 89.9
67 Katholieke Universiteit Leuven  Belgium 60.8 52.5 56.7 99.9 64.7 63
68 Utrecht University  Netherlands 60.4 42.8 58.1 59.3 53.2 85.7
69 Georg-August-Universit?t G?ttingen  Germany 60.3 51.4 48 32.7 50.9 84.1
70 Vanderbilt University  United States 59.6 52.1 26.8 64.4 47.6 86.8
71 Tsinghua University  China 59.5 74.1 33.4 99.8 70.1 37.4
72 Rice University  United States 59 45.9 39.7 36.2 38 99.9
73 Universit?t Heidelberg  Germany 58.7 57.1 62.3 37.6 41.5 78.5
74 University of Queensland Australia  Australia 58.6 47.5 80.8 62.6 52.3 70.2
75 Emory University  United States 57.4 48.4 37.3 34.4 39.8 90.9
75 Wageningen University and Research Center  Netherlands 57.4 50.1 75.9 100 47.6 66.3
77 University of Colorado Boulder  United States 57.3 39.5 30.8 Data withheld by THE 42.6 98.2
77 Tufts University  United States 57.3 45.8 41.3 35.4 37.4 94.5
79 Leiden University  Netherlands 57 45.4 54.4 48.6 55.3 71.7
80 Lund University  Sweden 56.9 40.4 61.2 32.6 58.5 72.8
81 University of Rochester  United States 56.8 47 45.7 36.4 33.5 94.5
81 Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey  United States 56.8 51.6 25.3 Data withheld by THE 60 69
83 Durham University  United Kingdom 56.4 32.5 75.8 30.5 37.9 96.2
84 Université Pierre et Marie Curie  France 56 56.3 66.7 26.2 30.5 81.1
85 University of St Andrews  United Kingdom 55.7 37.1 89.1 34.1 40.2 83
86 University of California, Irvine  United States 55.4 36.2 36.3 45.6 42.3 93.5
87 Uppsala University  Sweden 55.2 47.2 59.1 43.4 65.1 53.3
88 Technische Universit?t München  Germany 55.1 50 65.2 47.2 37.1 76.3
89 University of Notre Dame  United States 55 42.6 33.1 27.3 36.2 94.1
90 Dartmouth College  United States 54.9 44.8 30.6 Data withheld by THE 38.7 89.9
91 University of Helsinki  Finland 54.8 39.3 46.8 28.9 54.2 75.1
92 University of Amsterdam  Netherlands 54.7 41.7 56.4 42.5 54.7 68.3
93 Case Western Reserve University  United States 54.6 54.2 29.9 Data withheld by THE 40.2 78.4
94 Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology  Republic of Korea 54.5 64.2 29.3 100 54.6 47.1
94 University of Maryland, College Park  United States 54.5 41.1 35.3 28.5 43.6 85.8
96 Michigan State University  United States 54.4 47.4 34 28 49.6 73.6
97 University of Arizona  United States 54.2 45.1 28.4 86 43 78.3
98 Purdue University  United States 54 56.6 52.6 Data withheld by THE 49.4 57.8
99 University of Sussex  United Kingdom 53.9 30.6 79.8 28.1 34.8 92
100 University of Alberta  Canada 53.7 50.6 71.9 53.7 54.4 51.7
101 University of Sheffield  United Kingdom 53.6 44.6 68.2 40.2 46 67.5
102 University of Glasgow  United Kingdom 53.4 37.5 68.1 61.4 41 77.5
103 University of Cape Town  South Africa 53.2 34.3 73.9 97.5 41.1 75.3
104 Delft University of Technology  Netherlands 53.1 53.5 71.3 100 66.1 31.2
104 University of Montreal  Canada 53.1 54.5 79.5 81.3 47 48.7
106 Ghent University  Belgium 53 41.1 47.3 97.8 52.2 63.4
107 Royal Holloway, University of London  United Kingdom 52.9 28.6 93.3 25.9 24.1 98.2
108 Tokyo Institute of Technology  Japan 52.8 56 24.9 66.3 58.9 49.5
109 Humboldt-Universit?t zu Berlin  Germany 52.6 51.3 64.5 Data withheld by THE 54.5 50.1
110 University of California, Santa Cruz  United States 52.5 28.5 29.8 29.5 36.6 99.9
111 Universit?t Basel  Switzerland 52.2 38.9 92.4 48.6 21.9 86
112 University of Bern  Switzerland 52.1 43 77.6 38.2 34.6 73.5
113 University of Utah  United States 51.9 42.1 23.3 Data withheld by THE 41 82.3
114 Stony Brook University  United States 51.4 37.7 56.5 29.2 28.7 88.3
115 Eindhoven University of Technology  Netherlands 51.3 35.6 67.3 100 48 62.1
116 Université de Lausanne  Switzerland 51.2 27.5 86.7 40.3 40.4 77.8
117 Monash University  Australia 51.1 40.5 75.8 62.2 48.5 57.1
117 Trinity College Dublin  Republic of Ireland 51.1 30.3 89.4 29.7 23.5 91.7
119 Osaka University  Japan 51 61.8 21.1 75 56.5 40
120 Tohoku University  Japan 50.8 57.7 25.6 78.9 55.7 42.9
121 Hebrew University of Jerusalem  Israel 50.4 47.7 53 25 56.4 48.4
121 University of York  United Kingdom 50.4 36.7 72.7 33.9 38.8 71.6
123 Indiana University  United States 50.2 46.8 37.7 Data withheld by THE 34.5 73.7
124 Seoul National University  Republic of Korea 50.1 64.6 16.3 42.6 50.8 44
125 Aarhus University  Denmark 50 30.7 69.3 67 49 64
125 University of Florida  United States 50 46.7 25.9 Data withheld by THE 59.9 50.9
127 Arizona State University  United States 49.9 38.2 26.1 28.7 39 80.3
127 Queen Mary, University of London  United Kingdom 49.9 29 88.8 36.6 28.6 83.7
127 University of Southampton  United Kingdom 49.9 35.6 78.3 39.3 35.5 72.5
130 University of Geneva  Switzerland 49.8 34.9 97.5 32.7 39 65.1
131 Lancaster University  United Kingdom 49.7 32.6 78.6 27.5 35.7 75.4
131 Stockholm University  Sweden 49.7 25 48.8 26.8 36 90.2
133 University of Leeds  United Kingdom 49.5 44.6 64.8 36.4 43.9 57.1
134 University of Groningen  Netherlands 49.2 32.4 47.3 59.9 52.4 62.4
135 University of Copenhagen  Denmark 49 37.8 74.8 37 31.6 72.1
135 George Washington University  United States 49 44.2 38.3 Data withheld by THE 33.6 73.2
135 University of Virginia  United States 49 37 26.4 34.7 42.2 74.7
138 Georgetown University  United States 48 52.5 29.1 Data withheld by THE 40.4 57.7
139 University of Vienna  Austria 47.9 49.5 86.6 25.4 41.2 45.2
140 University of Nottingham  United Kingdom 47.7 40.2 72.6 36.7 40 57.6
141 école Normale Supérieure de Lyon  France 47.6 35.3 58.8 25.1 21.4 85.1
141 University of Iowa  United States 47.6 47.7 21.9 Data withheld by THE 42.1 61.3
143 University of California, Riverside  United States 47.5 27.8 30 31 30.9 89.6
144 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute  United States 47.4 31.7 32.7 49 40.4 73.6
145 University of East Anglia  United Kingdom 47.3 26.5 68.5 28 26.1 85.6
146 Newcastle University  United Kingdom 47 34.2 76.2 32.3 28.4 72.2
146 William & Mary  United States 47 40 19.7 27 18.9 90.7
148 University of Birmingham  United Kingdom 46.9 42.6 70.3 36 42.6 50.6
149 Birkbeck, University of London  United Kingdom 46.8 25.9 85.3 25.1 25.8 80.8
150 Brandeis University  United States 46.7 25.3 40.3 33.7 27.3 90.2
151 University of Aberdeen  United Kingdom 46.6 30.6 84.8 44.4 32.2 67.7
151 Chinese University of Hong Kong  Hong Kong 46.6 47 69.5 36.4 50.2 37.8
151 Freie Universit?t Berlin  Germany 46.6 46.3 62.1 30.6 48.5 42.5
154 National Taiwan University  Taiwan 46.2 47.8 20.7 40 58.5 39.2
154 Yeshiva University  United States 46.2 43.6 26.4 Data withheld by THE 27 75.3
156 University of Exeter  United Kingdom 46.1 31.3 73.4 35.4 33.3 67.8
157 Erasmus University Rotterdam  Netherlands 46 28.8 65 45 27.2 77.4
157 University of Warwick  United Kingdom 46 39.7 85.5 31.3 44.5 45
159 University College Dublin  Republic of Ireland 45.9 25.2 83.2 32.3 23.7 80.5
159 Radboud University Nijmegen  Netherlands 45.9 27.7 52.3 33.1 43.8 65.5
159 VU University Amsterdam  Netherlands 45.9 30.4 48 63.2 35.3 70.2
162 Medical University of South Carolina  United States 45.8 43.9 23.9 87.8 38.9 56.6
162 Wake Forest University  United States 45.8 36.4 17.2 49.1 21.6 86.1
164 University of Reading  United Kingdom 45.7 36.9 75.1 31.6 38.6 55.4
164 Texas A&M University  United States 45.7 42.3 36 43.8 51.8 45.7
166 Tel Aviv University  Israel 45.4 47.3 30.1 35 60.7 33
167 University of Illinois at Chicago  United States 45.2 53.3 27.2 38.6 43.9 43.3
168 RWTH Aachen University  Germany 45.1 36.1 67.1 61.8 25.1 67.2
169 Université Catholique de Louvain  Belgium 45 29.2 72.5 30.8 34.7 65.5
169 Nanyang Technological University  Singapore 45 41.4 89.8 44.4 47.8 34.5
169 Université Paris Diderot - Paris 7  France 45 23.3 70.7 Data withheld by THE 18.7 88.9
172 University of Miami  United States 44.8 45.7 30.3 Data withheld by THE 23.3 70.3
173 University of Auckland  New Zealand 44.6 28.3 92.9 76.6 35 55.7
173 University of New South Wales  Australia 44.6 36.1 85.1 53.1 40.2 46.8
173 Queen's University  Canada 44.6 39.7 65 87.5 36.1 49.3
176 University of Dundee  United Kingdom 44.5 20.8 62.5 55.3 20.1 87.1
177 University of Victoria  Canada 44.2 16.8 70.5 26.8 31.5 79.2
178 University of S?o Paulo  Brazil 44.1 61.7 22.9 33.3 58 18.8
178 Technical University of Denmark  Denmark 44.1 31.9 65.2 95.7 24.1 66.8
180 University of Delaware  United States 43.8 26.4 29.8 98 37.2 66.7
181 Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universit?t Frankfurt am Main  Germany 43.6 30.5 57.6 42.4 21.7 75.1
181 University of Liverpool  United Kingdom 43.6 34.8 73.1 37.1 33.5 55.6
181 University of Oslo  Norway 43.6 33.5 63.9 29 36.9 56.6
184 Iowa State University  United States 43.4 32.8 28.3 49.2 30.1 70.4
185 University of Ottawa  Canada 43.2 38.9 49.6 36.9 34.8 54.8
186 Pompeu Fabra University  Spain 43.1 23.4 54.3 37.6 16.1 87.6
187 KTH Royal Institute of Technology  Sweden 43 40.9 82.1 100 39.5 34.1
187 Eberhard Karls Universit?t Tübingen  Germany 43 34.4 58.1 31 24.1 67.6
189 Albert-Ludwigs-Universit?t Freiburg  Germany 42.9 35.7 55.6 81.8 18.7 67.8
189 University of Western Australia  Australia 42.9 32.1 90 58.7 35.8 47.8
191 University of Bergen  Norway 42.8 29 73.5 42.1 26.6 65.2
192 University of Science and Technology of China  China 42.7 38.9 14.8 29.7 23.5 73.6
193 City University of Hong Kong  Hong Kong 42.6 30.2 61.6 50.1 35 57.4
194 Universit?t Konstanz  Germany 42.5 29 63.7 49.9 29.7 62.8
195 Boston College  United States 42.4 26.5 41.4 24.2 18.9 83.5
196 Karlsruhe Institute of Technology  Germany 41.6 34.6 64.9 35.6 19.6 65.5
197 Georgia Health Sciences University  United States 41.5 49 32.1 40.7 14.2 63.5
197 University of Leicester  United Kingdom 41.5 27.6 84.9 34.4 30.3 56.3
197 Maastricht University  Netherlands 41.5 30.6 86.4 Data withheld by THE 30.5 53.9
200 University of Twente  Netherlands

发表于 2013-7-5 01:12 |显示全部楼层
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Nsw 大学这么低呀,

发表于 2013-7-5 15:15 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 tony_wu1124 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 tony_wu1124 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整

发表于 2013-7-10 20:26 |显示全部楼层
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发表于 2013-7-10 20:34 |显示全部楼层
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发表于 2013-7-10 20:39 |显示全部楼层
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发表于 2013-7-16 13:50 |显示全部楼层
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发表于 2013-7-24 23:16 |显示全部楼层
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