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悉尼公立小学新足迹网友评价汇总(19/01/2010更新) [复制链接]

退役斑竹 2007 年度奖章获得者 2008年度奖章获得者 参与宝库编辑功臣 2012年度奖章获得者 2009年度奖章获得者 2010年度奖章获得者 2014年度奖章获得者 2015年度奖章获得者

发表于 2009-6-21 22:53 |显示全部楼层

Greenwich Public School

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Greenwich Public School  

32 Kingslangley Rd, Greenwich NSW 2065  

Phone   9436 3217 ,9436 3731   
Fax       9906 6437  

Greenwich Public School is situated across a split site with the two campuses located 1.5 km apart. The school's Vision Statement 'Learning for Living' recognises that whilst children are individuals with specific needs which must be met they also exist within a complex network of family, school, community and cultural diversity. This goal is achieved by offering a broad and enriching curriculum which draws upon a range of extra curricula programs and skills which exist within the parent community.

School Email greenwich-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au   
School Website www.greenwich-p.schools.nsw.edu.au   

Type of School Primary Schools   

Enrolments 355   

Region Northern Sydney  

我们不是很喜欢大学校,人数多, 老师不能很好的照顾小朋友。所以选校的时候,这个也是一条。虽然很白, 但总体校风还是很正的,我们 孩子入学时,是全校最小的,语言不好,老师都能很好照顾。当然,个别老师也还是有偏见的。现在孩子yr2, yr1时曾有一段时间代课老师是极不公平,从孩子的评语中可以看出来。代课是短暂的一段, 我们也没有计较。
这完全有可能,目前他们每年级只有两个班。而且还分INFANT SCHOOL 和 PRIMARY SCHOOL。 受学区限制,只在很小一个范围内招生。我们不在他们学区,只是当年KINDY老师推荐,才跨学区。所以也正常。

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发表于 2009-6-21 22:54 |显示全部楼层

Hurstville Public School

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Hurstville Public School  

Forest Rd, Hurstville NSW 2220  

Phone   9587 3963 ,9587 6593   
Fax       9553 8029  

Hurstville Public School has provided quality education to students since 1876. The school is situated within walking distance of the main shopping centre and caters for students who live in the local area and who travel to the school for learning in Opportunity Class and Special Education classes. The mission of Hurstville Public School is to provide quality education within a happy, secure and flexible environment in which individuals are encouraged to STRIVE FOR SUCCESS. Our goals are: to encourage our students to be responsible citizens; to have a positive attitude to life long learning; to have high self esteem; to be able to make meaningful decisions and respect the rights and values of others; whole staff commitment to quality teaching and learning; full and equal participation between the school and its community; commitment to a quality service for reporting and communicating with parents and the wider community; the development of a school community which fosters diversity, promotes cooperation and resolves differences amicably.

School Email hurstville-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au   
School Website www.hurstville-p.schools.nsw.edu.au   

Type of School Primary Schools   

Enrolments 1089   

Region Sydney  

urstville public 除去oc班的学生,考上精英的没carlton public 多.
学术水平应该差不多,但自己感觉HURSTVILLE华人孩子的比例太多了, 很多大陆来的小孩几年下来广东话都进步不小,,所以更偏向CARLTON小学的相对LOCAL环境(不过近年来华人孩子也是越来越多了)

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发表于 2009-6-21 22:55 |显示全部楼层

Chatswood Public School

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Chatswood Public School  

5 Centennial Ave, Chatswood NSW 2067  

Phone   9419 6127 ,9419 5795   
Fax       9415 1241  

Chatswood Public School, established over 126 years ago, is a dynamic school catering for a diverse student population from Sydney's northern suburbs. The school is closely associated with its community and programs reflect community as well as individual student needs. The school conducts special programs for gifted and talented students including Opportunity Classes (OC). Special programs for students with learning difficulties are also conducted. Special programs for hearing impaired students are conducted within a Hearing Support Unit attached to the school.The School has a proud tradition in the Creative Arts with outstanding programs in Visual Arts and Music. The school has both Mandarin and Korean LoTE programs. The vision for Chatswood Public School is " Excellence in a caring and enriching environment."  

School Email chatswood-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au   
School Website www.chatswood-p.schools.nsw.edu.au   

Type of School Primary Schools   

Enrolments 683   

Region Northern Sydney  

Chatswood 在Annual report says 60 students gain position in selective school. It is very good figure. How about other school? No everyone school focus on Academy

chatswood public华人比率达75%,确实有点高哦,那小孩的英语会不会进步得慢呀。

chatswood public是non english speaking background的比例有75%,这个75%不都是华人孩子。

Chatswood Public School有两个OC班,Year 5一个, Year 6一个,每个班最多也就30个学生吧。
我女儿的Year 4有三个班,基本上有80个学生,听老师说,有一年Year 4考入本校OC的学生也就5个人而已。
Chatswood OC班的学区除了Chatswood和Chatswood West之外,还覆盖了下面这些区:
Beacon Hill,Belrose,Belrose West,Davidson,Forestville,Frenchs Forest,Fullers Bridge,Hunters Hill,Huntleys Point,Killarney Heights,Lane Cove,Linley Point,Roseville Chase,Sorlie,Willoughby,Woolwich。
你想想这么多区的小学生来一起竞争一个YEAR 5的OC班,80个人里只有5个学生入选也make sense。

也看了看chatswood的annual report。发现report上写明了2007年有60个孩子上了select school,有15上了OC of chatswood. 有种莫名的感觉,当然我知道了想知道的信息,可从一方面也觉得学校的倾向过于明显,有点怕怕!

Chatswood Public能进本校OC的没有这么多人。
没啥依据,但是我个人觉得,如果在Chatswood Public,如果你孩子的学业基本上不是班级的前三(当然实际没有这个排名的,但是可以从孩子的学业报告和学期结束的school Awards看的出来),基本上有难度。

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发表于 2009-6-21 22:55 |显示全部楼层

Lane Cove Public School

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Lane Cove Public School  

Austin St & Longueville Rd, Lane Cove NSW 2066  

Phone   9427 1024 ,9427 2155   
Fax       9418 6277  

Lane Cove Public School, established in 1876, is located adjacent to the Lane Cove business district. The school site features an historic classroom built in 1891, three two-storey classroom blocks, two single-storey classroom blocks, a multi-purpose hall and an administration and library building. The school has an established reputation for its co-curricula music program and in 2000, a creative arts program, with focus on drama and ceramics, commenced as an after hours activity.  

School Email lanecove-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au   
School Website www.lanecove-p.schools.nsw.edu.au   

Type of School Primary Schools   

Enrolments 789   

Region Northern Sydney  

这几个小学里面,我觉得Lane Cove一般。因为我去过,跟校长也聊过,annual report都没拿到(别的学校都有),要了我的地址说过后寄给我,然后就再也没有音讯了。校园四处看看,也是nothing impressive。

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发表于 2009-6-21 22:56 |显示全部楼层
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Sylvania Public School  

Princes Hwy, Sylvania NSW 2224  

Phone   9522 7277   
Fax       9544 7019  

Sylvania Public School attracts enrolments because of its quality teaching and learning programs and its personalised learning environment. Our size allows us to build close relationships with our families. Our staff is united in its educational philosophy of child-centred learning and places great importance on the all round development of our children. Facilities and resources are attractive and well maintained adding to the warm and welcoming atmosphere of the school. At Sylvania Public School we strive to provide our students and their families with the most conducive environment to happy and successful learning.

School Email sylvania-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au   
School Website www.sylvania-p.schools.nsw.edu.au   

Type of School Primary Schools   

Enrolments 123   

Region Sydney  


退役斑竹 2007 年度奖章获得者 2008年度奖章获得者 参与宝库编辑功臣 2012年度奖章获得者 2009年度奖章获得者 2010年度奖章获得者 2014年度奖章获得者 2015年度奖章获得者

发表于 2009-6-21 22:57 |显示全部楼层

Sylvania Heights Public School

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Sylvania Heights Public School  

Lisbon St, Sylvania Heights NSW 2224  

Phone   9522 0111 ,9522 0637   
Fax       9544 7623  

Sylvania Heights enjoys the strong support of its community and has maintained a reputation for high academic, cultural and sporting achievement. The School provides a rich and diverse learning environment through: the balance of core curriculum with the opportunity for students to pursue co-curricular interests; a strong commitment to student and staff welfare; a school culture that values community support and involvement, which actively seeks a partnership between home and school; shared decision making based on good communication, broad consultation and mutual respect; and the provision of safe grounds and facilities that are well maintained.

School Email sylvaniaht-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au   
School Website www.sylvaniaht-p.schools.nsw.edu.au   

Type of School Primary Schools   

Enrolments 533   

Region Sydney  

Sylvania Heights Public School, 典型的大型公立学校,有乐队.人多,花头就可以多一点,但因为是老区,附近的房子价格从20万到800万不等,家庭环境也各不相同. TOP成绩和平均成绩都没有上面的小学校好.

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发表于 2009-6-21 22:58 |显示全部楼层

Campsie Public School

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Campsie Public School  

Evaline St, Campsie NSW 2194  

Phone   9718 3083 ,9718 3867   
Fax       9718 8007  

Campsie Public School is situated in the central business district of the city of Canterbury. It is becoming known as a learning hub of the community where students and their families are empowered to achieve success. The learning culture focuses on a developmental and outcomes approach to learning and teaching through learning how to learn; learning how to find information and thinking laterally; through problem posing and problem solving in applied situations. Learning together for life through teamwork and the pooling of knowledge and skills underpins the strength of good character of our students.  

School Email campsie-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au   
School Website www.campsie-p.schools.nsw.edu.au   

Type of School Primary Schools   

Enrolments 643   

Region South Western Sydney  

听专业人事说,CAMPISE 小学来了个新校长,狠抓教学校风,改善明显。值得留意

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发表于 2009-6-21 22:59 |显示全部楼层

Harcourt Public School

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Harcourt Public School  

First Ave, Campsie NSW 2194  

Phone   9718 5929   
Fax       9718 7234  

Harcourt Public School provides quality teaching/learning and programs which develop in our students skills to become effective in scholastic, social and emotional learning. Harcourt has a safe, caring and supportive environment where students are encouraged to take risks and to be responsible in their learning. Staff recognise that individuals learn at different rates and at different times and provide explicit teaching instruction to cater for the diverse learning styles and needs of the students.
Student welfare, leadership and responsibility are important aspects of our schooling.

School Email harcourt-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au   
School Website www.harcourt-p.schools.nsw.edu.au   

Type of School Primary Schools   

Enrolments 608   

Region South Western Sydney  

Harcourt Pry at Ninth Ave of Campsie is considered good. 教车教练顾师傅的儿子就在Harcourt Pry上学,成绩相当好,据说什么英联邦数学统考得第一,私立中学给全额奖学金,那可不少,不过后来人家没有接受,没去上私立中学,转而去上了James Ruse农业中学,这可是全稀泥排名第一的中校,是公立的,无人不知吧。顾师傅给介绍经验就说,小学有没有OC班无所谓,关键要有G&T班 (Class for the gifted and talented)。Harcourt Pry有G&T Class,这就足矣。
九街的harcourt school的确人才辈出,除了那个教车老顾,还知道一个做builder的上海人女儿高考考了100分也是从小就在那里读的

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发表于 2009-6-21 23:00 |显示全部楼层

West Pymble Public School

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West Pymble Public School  

Apollo Ave, West Pymble NSW 2073  

Phone   9144 7584 ,9449 8057   
Fax       9988 3875  

The school community is proud of the quiet, leafy secure environment and the dedicated teaching staff. High academic achievement continued as a result of leading edge development in the areas of literacy and numeracy. The strategic direction emphasising the development and use of technology is in line with the global environment. The representation on the Australian Olympics team by one of our staff members resulted in overwhelming Olympic interest from the school community. The art and craft room, internet cabling program, Apollo Avenue 'kiss 'n drop' zone and safe walkway became realities thanks to the enterprise of dedicated members of our school community. The school has been resourced and revitalised through the efforts of the P&C Association who approved the funding of a Support Teacher Learning Difficulties (STLD) for 1 day per week.

School Email westpymble-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au   
School Website www.westpymble-p.schools.nsw.edu.au   

Type of School Primary Schools   

Enrolments 321   

Region Northern Sydney  

我女儿过去读过的West Pymble Public School,典型的迷你小学校,学生一共只有200多人,3年里只有二个Year4的孩子考入Artarmon的OC班,其中一个还不去(因为舍不得小朋友),这样的学校在我们华人看来毫无吸引力,但是在很多本地的白人心中口碑还很好。

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发表于 2009-6-21 23:01 |显示全部楼层

Summer Hill Public School

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Summer Hill Public School  

Moonbie St, Summer Hill NSW 2130  

Phone   9797 8160 ,9799 2280   
Fax       9716 8003  

Summer Hill Public School is a large inner western city school which serves a culturally diverse and educationally aware community. We are committed to providing a world class primary school education that provides knowledge, skills, values and attitudes encouraging the growth of our students as caring individuals who enjoy learning. The pursuit of academic excellence is one of many dimensions of our school. Equity and social justice, the celebration of our culture State and district averages and there is little difference between the attendance patterns for boys and girls.

School Email summerhill-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au   
School Website www.summerhill-p.schools.nsw.edu.au   

Type of School Primary Schools   

Enrolments 703   

Region Sydney  

Summer Hill Public School, 曾经有一两个家长跟我说, 校长有种族主义倾向,不太喜欢华人, 导致那里的老师有一部分也有这种倾向,有华人小孩和鬼佬小孩有纠纷, 华人小孩常常吃亏.这个是真是假, 我也不知道, 也是听到而已, 因为我儿子那时在那里上周末中文。

Summer Hill 比较好点,有精英班, 但是校区非常小。Ashfield 非常差---最差. Harberfield 好象也还行.

BERALA的话归属的OC班里最牛的是Summer Hill 吧?Yes, and then Granville.......

Berala is a very good school, my son's school isn't bad also.
There are 5 students in his class got offer from Summer Hill.

能不能请知道Summer Hill的同学们谈谈这个学校的OC班的水平到底怎样?跟Ermington能有一比吗? 每年能大概有多少考进JR? 家里有亲戚想知道问我, 我也不知道.
这一带很大范围最牛的都是summer hill, 不单单是你们那里

[ 本帖最后由 patrickzhu 于 2009-11-4 21:40 编辑 ]

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发表于 2009-6-21 23:01 |显示全部楼层

Burwood Public School

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Burwood Public School  

Conder St, Burwood NSW 2134  

Phone   9745 2299   
Fax       9744 3613  

A diversity of cultures and the school's core values promote equity, respect and academic achievement at Burwood Public School. The school population is 89.1% from a Non English Speaking Background, therefore the literacy component underpins all learning programs.

School Email burwood-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au   
School Website www.burwood-p.schools.nsw.edu.au   

Type of School Primary Schools   

Enrolments 653   

Region South Western Sydney  

那个转弯角的burwood public school不错的。不过,就是中国人多了点,据说占90%,其余10%是印度人。所以成绩好。
我现在在BURWOOD ,上学,发现中国孩子占了70%。呵呵,每天接孩子,放眼望去,全是黄皮肤,黑头。主要还很有一些韩国人。据说成绩不做,我看都是,家长给孩子上补习班,给补上的.

那burwood ps 有27个考进oc,but inc waitting list

[ 本帖最后由 patrickzhu 于 2009-12-16 15:22 编辑 ]

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发表于 2009-6-21 23:02 |显示全部楼层

North Ryde Public School

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North Ryde Public School  

Coxs Rd, North Ryde NSW 2113  

Phone   9878 1673 ,9878 1008   
Fax       9887 2757  

The uniqueness of North Ryde Public School has evolved over the hundred and twenty three years it has served the local community. The school has always taken into consideration the changing nature of the times and of the needs of its students and their families when deciding directions and priorities. This school continues to build on its proud history and traditions. Its strong links with its community, the friendly and caring environment and the quality teaching and learning programs, all of which incorporate an emphasis on social responsibility, serve to enhance the community's perception of an exceptional school. The spacious park like grounds, its tennis courts and sports fields and their ongoing maintenance, are evidence of the partnership that the school has developed with parents and the community over many years. North Ryde Public School respects the different nationalities and cultural diversity of all students and their families. The caring nature of the school community reflects this as does the importance placed on the peer support program and K-6 buddy system. The award winning literacy program and the availability of the latest technology are special features of the teaching and learning programs.

School Email northryde-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au   
School Website www.northryde-p.schools.nsw.edu.au   

Type of School Primary Schools   

Enrolments 238   

Region Northern Sydney  


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发表于 2009-6-21 23:03 |显示全部楼层

Carlingford Public School

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Carlingford Public School  

Rickard St, Carlingford NSW 2118  

Phone   9871 6983 ,9871 5135   
Fax       9871 3898  

Carlingford Public School has provided quality education to the community since 1883. The history and significance of the role the school has played and continues to play in the community is valued by the staff and parents. Well-maintained, grassed and tree-studded grounds provide an attractive and appealing learning environment. The school is committed to providing excellence in education for all students at their varying stages of development. Emphasis is placed on providing a balanced curriculum, with strong commitment to providing students with equity of opportunity and outcomes in line with the curricula of the NSW Department of Education and Training. High academic standards are stressed, while provision is made to satisfy individual needs. Outcomes-based teaching and reporting structures are a feature of the learning program.

School Email carlingfor-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au   
School Website www.carlingfor-p.schools.nsw.edu.au   

Type of School Primary Schools   

Enrolments 305   

Region Western Sydney  

据我所知,Carlingford小学,在Marsden Rd边上就完全不是这情况,我一朋友的两个女儿在那里上学,鬼子小孩居多,人数不多,学校总是组织各种活动,学习上没有多少竞争压力,一年考上OC的也就一两个,与Carlingford West截然不同。

从学习上讲,carlingford比carlingford west差得很远,carlingford只是一个普通的小学,local相对多些,人数少,全校300多人;carlingford west非常重视学习,每年有七八成的孩子进精英(听说的,没有具体考证),当然华人孩子比例很高,学校大,各项活动挺多的,band和string乐队都有。两个学校都没有OC班。周围的学校Epping West, North Rocks, Murray Farm,Beecroft, Eastwood, Denistone East 都是非常不错的小学。相对于这些,carlingford就很一般了。

[ 本帖最后由 patrickzhu 于 2009-11-2 22:07 编辑 ]

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发表于 2009-6-21 23:04 |显示全部楼层

Epping West Public School

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Epping West Public School  

96 Carlingford Rd, Epping NSW 2121  

Phone   9876 8255   
Fax       9868 1209  

Epping West Public School is situated in a very established community which is characterised by caring parents, a high level of interest in education and a willingness to be involved in the school community. This is evidenced by the resultant actions of parent groups such as the Auxiliary and the P&C. The school has a very experienced staff who are committed to achieving quality educational outcomes. The staff are multi-skilled and are involved in a wide range of extra-curricula activities. The school has a focus on promoting excellence in academic performance, performing arts and sport, developing opportunities which create a balance between the three. The school promotes the welfare of all stakeholders: children, parents and staff, ensuring that needs are met, opinions are heard and valued and issues are resolved. Our school community includes students from diverse cultural backgrounds and three special classes for students with a moderate intellectual disability.

School Email eppingwest-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au   
School Website www.eppingwest-p.schools.nsw.edu.au   

Type of School Primary Schools   

Enrolments 640   

Region Northern Sydney  

Epping West Public,离carlingford不远,就是两者结合,华人不少,鬼子也不算少,Academic result从年度报告上看挺好的。不知道这里的小孩儿是不是在补习。
我女儿在Epping West,感觉还不错,华人孩子很多,韩国的也不少,他们学习上竞争似乎还挺激烈的。感觉大一点的学校要好些,方方面面活动能组织起来。
Epping West是有个朋友的儿子在那里上,据说不错,尤其是academic方面。


Agree. Epping West 是首选。

Academic, Sports,Music等各个方面Epping West都不错。就是华人挺多的,如果lz不介意的话,就没问题了。

[ 本帖最后由 patrickzhu 于 2009-11-16 19:50 编辑 ]

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发表于 2009-6-21 23:05 |显示全部楼层

Castle Hill Public School

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Castle Hill Public School  

Les Shore Place, Castle Hill NSW 2154  

Phone   9634 3777   
Fax       9899 6845  

Castle Hill Public School, established in 1879, has been located at its current site for two years. It has twenty-one permanent classrooms, a school hall and canteen and a large, well-resourced Library Information Centre. The school is designed to meet the needs of all students including those with physical disability. The school's facilities include exceptional resources in technology.  

School Email castlehill-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au   
School Website www.castlehill-p.schools.nsw.edu.au   

Type of School Primary Schools   

Enrolments 748   

Region Northern Sydney

退役斑竹 2007 年度奖章获得者 2008年度奖章获得者 参与宝库编辑功臣 2012年度奖章获得者 2009年度奖章获得者 2010年度奖章获得者 2014年度奖章获得者 2015年度奖章获得者

发表于 2009-6-21 23:06 |显示全部楼层

Randwick Public School

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Randwick Public School  

Cowper St, Randwick NSW 2031  

Phone   9398 6022   
Fax       9399 8907  

Randwick School aims to educate children to their optimum potential, equip them with life skills and enable them to develop a positive role within the community. The school has a continuing tradition of excellence in all areas. A rich cultural diversity stimulates learning and develops tolerance and respect within the community. An appreciation of the value of the child as an individual is a feature of the school's philosophy. Outstanding programs in music, computer education, sport and experiential education provide opportunities for students to maximise talent. The school's ethos generates an expectation for each student to strive to achieve.

School Email randwick-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au   
School Website www.randwick-p.schools.nsw.edu.au   

Type of School Primary Schools   

Enrolments 557   

Region Sydney  

学生的构成以西人为主,华人,亚洲孩子也有一些。 学校没有OC班, 学校鼓励艺术,体育,动手这方面的素质,跟我们的想法比较吻合。

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发表于 2009-6-21 23:26 |显示全部楼层

Hornsby South Public School

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Hornsby South Public School  

Clarke Rd, Hornsby NSW 2077  

Phone   9489 2410   
Fax       9489 2495  

We provide a safe and attractive physical environment with large playing areas. Our school is committed to excellence in English and mathematics and results in basic skills tests and competitions echo this. We have 47.5% of students from 38 nationalities, the largest groups being Chinese and Korean. Distinctive aspects of the school are substantive programs in the following areas: computer education; Italian; enrichment for talented students; band; gymnastics. There is a strong relationship between the school and local community as evidenced by the construction and use of a multi-purpose building which we have named "the YURT".

School Email hornsbysth-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au   
School Website www.hornsbysth-p.schools.nsw.edu.au   

Type of School Primary Schools   

Enrolments 389   

Region Northern Sydney  

Hornsby South, Waitara, 和Hornsby North其实都不错。
我女儿在Hornsby South读了一学期Kindy,感觉进步了很多,学校的学风也挺严谨的。每学期还有parent-teacher对话,老师会详细列出学生的发展状况。比现在的学校对孩子观察的要仔细。
在Hornsby地区,可能大家都爱争取去Waitara小学,因为有OC班,还有很多人prefer Hornsby North,但是真正去Hornsby South 的学生和家长实际上满意度还是挺高的。
我就是特别感动于那次短短的20分钟parent-teacher meeting, 老师详细汇报了我女儿的发展状况,告诉我哪里有待于提高,例如当时老师说我女儿不知道Daimond怎么说,数完100不知道下一个是101,还告诉我哪些发音有待于提高等。最后竟然告诉我,要回家练习写一些东西,我都觉得奇怪,刚一个term,就可以写东西了,我还真对她没那么高的要求呢,因为之前没有教过她任何英语。但是似乎老师觉得很有必要,小孩子也可以做到的。总之短短的一学期,给我女儿打下一个非常好的英语基础,使她顺利的度过了Sound out这一难关。
学校还是小一点,大约300多人的样子。有after school care,但是条件一般,比waitara的差远了。canteen也只开两天,教室说真的没有现在的小学那么宽敞明亮。总之,我们只去了一学期,对这个学校还远了解的不够。我女儿也总是说,她更喜欢现在的学校,因为她有种融入的感觉,在那里,她还没有融入,基本没有friend,虽然有两个小孩以前和她一个幼儿园,但是一个是local的,一个是印度的,人家分别有自己的friend。在after school care,她就更孤单了,满眼望去,几乎全是白人小孩,她唯一能交上朋友的就是一个year1 的印度小孩儿。她最喜欢的就是坐学校的校车,邻居的一个year5的小姐姐可以照顾她,也是印度人,我女儿那段时间心理上特别依赖这个邻居小女孩及她的好朋友。

Hornsby South的教学也很不错,对学习抓得挺紧的。学校有校车,直达Hornsby火车站。HornsbySouth的鬼子小孩多一些,Waitara的印度和中国小孩多一些。这样学校的文化氛围就有点不一样了。这要看个人的取舍了。

好像Hornsby North很大哦,我上周去的Hornsby South的information day,从家长数目看,不会超过2个班级的。

去年Hornsby South是三个班, waitara也三个班。Waitara原本打算招两个班的,后来改三个了。

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发表于 2009-6-21 23:27 |显示全部楼层

Hornsby North Public School

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Hornsby North Public School  

Ida St, Hornsby NSW 2077  

Phone   9987 4605 ,9476 6410   
Fax       9482 2527  

Hornsby North Public School established in 1966 is a student focused school. Set in spacious grounds with bush corridors maintained by parents, staff and students, opportunities for environmental education through the integrated curriculum are many and varied. Strong foundations are established through excellent early learning programs and enrichment opportunities are available at all levels. Community support is strong and parents are true partners in the educational directions of the school. The construction of an outdoor classroom in 2000 was the result of cooperation between parents, staff and the founder of Kayaking for Kemo Kids. The school's mission statement 'Caring for children, educating for life' was developed in consultation with teachers and parents. Our mission is to educate students as life long learners. This will be achieved by: providing a comprehensive educational curriculum with an emphasis on literacy, numeracy and technology; developing a caring school, with positive student welfare programs and a team of committed professional educators; ensuring parent community participation in the school; fostering pride in public education.

School Email hornsbynth-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au   
School Website www.hornsbynth-p.schools.nsw.edu.au   

Type of School Primary Schools   

Enrolments 633   

Region Northern Sydney  

纯粹听说,没有实地看过Waitara,Hornsby South
1、Waitara,Hornsby South据说学校比较小学生也少一些, Hornsby North学校算比较大的学生多;
3、Waitara,Hornsby South对于Academic方面更注重一些;
4、Hornsby North学校搞的各类活动多一些,这个我孩子在里面,确实是这样。


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发表于 2009-6-21 23:28 |显示全部楼层

West Ryde Public School

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West Ryde Public School  

Endeavour St, West Ryde NSW 2114  

Phone   9874 2515   
Fax       9804 7731  

West Ryde School balances an academic focus with an emphasis on promoting appreciation of, and respect for, a variety of cultures. Two community languages, Mandarin and Hindi, are taught in the school in addition to English, and our school community participates in a variety of cultural activities and festivals. There is considerable parent involvement in the School and all student activities are well attended. The community places a high value on education and parents are committed to supporting their children's learning. An experienced staff which works particularly well as a team is a feature of the School. Parents are encouraged to consult with teaching and administrative staff whenever there is an area of concern. Students at West Ryde are exceptionally co-operative and harmonious student interaction is a significant feature of the school culture.

School Email westryde-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au   
School Website www.westryde-p.schools.nsw.edu.au   

Type of School Primary Schools   

Enrolments 302   

Region Northern Sydney  

meadowbank应该属于west ryde public范围内,那个学校感觉非常一般,远没有风铃提到的那些学校好。

退役斑竹 2007 年度奖章获得者 2008年度奖章获得者 参与宝库编辑功臣 2012年度奖章获得者 2009年度奖章获得者 2010年度奖章获得者 2014年度奖章获得者 2015年度奖章获得者

发表于 2009-6-21 23:28 |显示全部楼层

Eastwood Public School

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Eastwood Public School  

Rowe St, Eastwood NSW 2122  

Phone   9874 1600 ,9874 1029   
Fax       9804 7495  

Eastwood Public School is a large primary school set on a small school site in suburban Eastwood. The school population is about 700 and has over 80% of students from language backgrounds other than English.
The school aims to develop students to become outstanding citizens through commitment to excellence in a safe, nurturing environment. It fosters a love of learning, development of self-worth, effective communication, appreciation of cultural diversity and a desire to give service to others. Eastwood Public School enjoys a strong partnership with the community and the supportive parent body works with the school staff for the benefit of the students and the school as a whole. The school is widely recognised for its outstanding achievements in the academic, sporting and performing arts areas.  

School Email eastwood-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au   
School Website www.eastwood-p.schools.nsw.edu.au   

Type of School Primary Schools   

Enrolments 673   

Region Northern Sydney  

EASTWOOD PUBLIC就是通用对面的那个学校对入学学生的要求一点不严的,我女儿以前在里面读的时候,同学有从WEST RYDE,ERMINGTON,DENISTONE等来的,而且进去以后你就会知道这学校现在已经不大好了.考精英学校的时候学校的分数是要扣分的,换句话说这小学的整体得分处于不大好的水平.

Eastwood public school中国孩子非常多,一个年级至少一个班孩子都是。
听好些朋友说那个学校不错。open day的时候去看过,一位家长跟我说对校服要求不严,皮鞋什么的不是一定非要黑色,据说这个方面可以省不少钱。


[ 本帖最后由 patrickzhu 于 2009-12-30 09:06 编辑 ]

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发表于 2009-6-24 00:15 |显示全部楼层

Homebush Public School

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Homebush Public School  

Rochester St, Homebush NSW 2140  

Phone   9746 9171 ,9764 4472   
Fax       9746 3516  

Our school is committed to ensuring a firm foundation for student learning, recognising that primary education sets them on the path for life-long learning. Homebush Public School was established in 1885. It is located opposite the Homebush shopping centre, adjacent to Homebush railway station. Our local area includes most of Homebush and part of Strathfield. A relatively small block of land accommodates its three, two-storey buildings and an all asphalt playground.

School Email homebush-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au   
School Website www.homebush-p.schools.nsw.edu.au   

Type of School Primary Schools   

Enrolments 532   

Region South Western Sydney

HOMEBUSH 的中小学都很不错

退役斑竹 2007 年度奖章获得者 2008年度奖章获得者 参与宝库编辑功臣 2012年度奖章获得者 2009年度奖章获得者 2010年度奖章获得者 2014年度奖章获得者 2015年度奖章获得者

发表于 2009-11-2 21:46 |显示全部楼层

Connells Point Public School

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Connells Point Public School
Riverview Ave, Hurstville South NSW 2221   More schools in postcode 2221
Phone   9546 1730
Fax       9547 1708

The school provides a happy, supportive environment where children are encouraged to become self-motivated, co-operative learners while striving for excellence in their academic, cultural, physical and social development. Our school focuses on providing basic skills, challenging and enriching learning programs, building a trusting relationship between students and teachers and aims to build an effective and supportive learning partnership with parents. The school features extensive Performing Arts and Sport programs which build self esteem and a team ethic. These programs adequately equip our children to move onto further learning and later in life.

School Email connellspt-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au   
School Website www.connellspt-p.schools.nsw.edu.au   
Type of School Primary Schools   
Enrolments 496   
Region Sydney  




校长很和蔼,先给我介绍一下学前几个步骤,然后说我们很幸运,学校5年没招非local学生了。接下来她想开始问我们些问题,那当然没问题,咱早就准备好了,就等着你问呢,没想到问的问题都不是我们准备的,完全超出了我们的想象,而且问题很多,有要孩子回答的,有要家长回答的,很多细节的东西,校长还认真地一一记下我们的答案。我能记得的大概有:是否full time出生,是否喂母乳,几个月走路,什么时候说话,在家说什么语言,上几天childcare,在哪上,会不会哭,会不会跟小朋友们一起玩,是不是喜欢玩水,玩户外活动的时候是很大胆,还是很小心,还是根本不喜欢,能不能同时按次序做事情,能做两件还是三件,知道colouring在线内吗?回答这个问题的时候我乘机把小贝的简历给了她,因为里面有小贝的“作品”啊,都是colouring在线内的啦。甚至还问了有没有disable或者其它的疾病,有没有什么需要老师或者学校特别知道的。接着校长开始考小贝了,先让她数数,这个刚训练过的,结果当然像小贝自己说的,中间不停顿的,像个小和尚念经一样地,很容易的就数到100了,然后又她认数字,这个没有准备,小贝在校长的提示下基本能认出20以内的两位数。让小贝写她自己的名字,英文名字虽然有9个字母,但是每周画画学校都练两边的,倒还容易。再要写出1-10数字,这些没训练过,只在几个月前教过一两次,于是小贝把3给写反了过来,写到4是还卡了壳,可能她有点晕,学校教写4都是L加上一竖,我教的是正二八经的4,像帆船。后面写得挺顺利的,到了9又有点忘记了,10写得倒是挺快,只是写成了“01”。又让小贝画了妈妈,真是没白学几个月画画,三笔两笔就勾出了。然后又问了小贝很多问题,每个问题都在a lot, a little bit,none里选答案。看电视、用电脑、play outside、听故事、painting、drawing等等好多东西,小贝都不客气的选了a lot,然后还问小贝还有什么别的爱好是她没有提到,但是小贝特别喜欢的。小贝傻乎乎的不知道怎么回答,于是校长又提醒她说,没有提到play doh…...最后校长给她拍了张照片存档,还给了她stamp和sticker,给sticker的时候,又考了小贝一把,问她把sticker贴在手上,洗手的时候会怎么样?小贝闷不吱声,校长提示说,可能会wet,小贝终于大胆的说fall down。最后校长问我们有没有什么问题,我就问问小贝会不会是班里年龄最大的孩子,这的确是我比较关心的问题。然后又问了如何填非local申请表,可不可以下周一交过来。校长很仔细地跟我们解释为什么要特别填那个表,不过我没有完全听明白,大概意思好像是要照顾需要照顾的对象。譬如说如果有熟悉的朋友、邻居、亲戚的孩子在这个学校的;离学校比较近的;需要上学前放学后照顾的。

跟校长告别的时候,小贝没有忘记自己的承诺,大声的跟校长说Thank you and Goodbye。出来一看时间,我们已经在里面1个多小时了。

晚上回家跟小贝爸交换意见,小贝爸说小贝回答问题声音太小了,还抓耳弄腮的弄出好多鬼脸,我也是这么觉得的,某一瞬间甚至觉得这样又点丢父母的脸。不过俺现在是爱学习的妈妈,知道这样做并不是她的错,平时并没有机会给她练习,想让她表现得多落落大方,尽善尽美肯定是不可能的,况且她答应我做的事情都已经做到了。我给她爸爸讲了另一个让我很感动的场景。从office出来在学校门口,她又跟F吵架了,眼看着又要哭了,我说,千万别哭,被校长看见了可不好,public school可能不喜欢哭鼻子的孩子,小贝硬是努力地把眼泪给逼了回去。所以我跟小贝爸说,我对小贝的这次表现100%的满意。


根据旋版帖子中的建议,面试后一两天应该寄张感谢卡,于是又在周三寄出平生第一张thank you card。
from http://www.oursteps.com.au/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=173963

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发表于 2009-11-2 21:55 |显示全部楼层

Woollahra Public School

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Woollahra Public School
Forth St, Woollahra NSW 2025   More schools in postcode 2025
Phone   9328 6313
Fax       9363 3546

Woollahra Public School is a large primary school which serves the communities of Woollahra, Edgecliff, Paddington and Bondi Junction. The school has classes for identified gifted and talented (OC) students in Years 5 and 6 from Sydney's Eastern Suburbs. We strive to facilitate the personal, academic, cultural, physical and social development of each child, providing equal opportunity to each sex. Learning is promoted as a lifelong process, and staff, parents and the community work to encourage children to develop initiative, become self-motivated learners who can work co-operatively, play enthusiastically and behave with consideration and mutual respect for everyone.

School Email woollahra-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au   
School Website www.woollahra-p.schools.nsw.edu.au   
Type of School Primary Schools   
Enrolments 580   
Region Sydney  


退役斑竹 2007 年度奖章获得者 2008年度奖章获得者 参与宝库编辑功臣 2012年度奖章获得者 2009年度奖章获得者 2010年度奖章获得者 2014年度奖章获得者 2015年度奖章获得者

发表于 2009-11-2 21:57 |显示全部楼层

Kensington Public School

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Kensington Public School
Doncaster Ave, Kensington NSW 2033   More schools in postcode 2033
Phone   9663 3955
Fax       9662 1382

Kensington Public School (KPS) has a population characterised by a diversity which we celebrate. Seventy per cent of students are from non-English speaking backgrounds (NESB), and up to 45 nationalities are represented at any one time. The school is small enough to provide a "family" atmosphere and yet large enough to provide a full and varied curriculum. School climate is enhanced by encouraging and rewarding respect for the "5 C's": co-operation, courtesy, consideration, conscientiousness and cultural background. A serious attitude towards studies exists, and the school enjoys a record of high academic and other achievement. The curriculum is enriched by programs in music, sport and the arts, as well as chess, public speaking and many others, in which children can and do excel. Advances in technology in classrooms, the Library and Administration, ensure that all are well prepared for the 21st century.

School Email kensington-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au   
School Website www.kensington-p.schools.nsw.edu.au   
Type of School Primary Schools   
Enrolments 387   
Region Sydney  


退役斑竹 2007 年度奖章获得者 2008年度奖章获得者 参与宝库编辑功臣 2012年度奖章获得者 2009年度奖章获得者 2010年度奖章获得者 2014年度奖章获得者 2015年度奖章获得者

发表于 2009-11-14 22:35 |显示全部楼层

Strathfield South Public School

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Strathfield South Public School
457 Liverpool Rd, Enfield NSW 2136   More schools in postcode 2136
Phone   9642 1359
Fax       9742 5878

Strathfield South considers the physical and emotional well being of our students to be paramount. We provide a broad education which develops a positive self concept and excellent social and academic outcomes. A well resourced and challenging learning program meets the needs of all students. This is brought about by the dedication of staff and the inclusion of parents in all areas of school life. Our motto 'think of others' promotes tolerance and good citizenship and underpins all we do at Strathfield South. Students leadership is fostered and self reliance, confidence and the desire to succeed is encouraged.

School Email strathfies-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au   
School Website www.strathfies-p.schools.nsw.edu.au   
Type of School Primary Schools   
Enrolments 830   
Region South Western Sydney  


退役斑竹 2007 年度奖章获得者 2008年度奖章获得者 参与宝库编辑功臣 2012年度奖章获得者 2009年度奖章获得者 2010年度奖章获得者 2014年度奖章获得者 2015年度奖章获得者

发表于 2009-11-16 19:46 |显示全部楼层

Jasper Road Public School

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Jasper Road Public School
Jasper Rd, Baulkham Hills NSW 2153   More schools in postcode 2153
Phone   9639 6801
Fax       9639 4487

Jasper Road Public School, set in spacious and attractive grounds, provides an excellent education for all students. In addition to the basics, we provide a range of extra activities to extend and enrich student learning. The school has a high reputation for its excellence in academics, the arts and sport. The school also caters for students with disabilities, both in regular classrooms and in four special classes. Our inclusive education policies have received state wide recognition. A supportive school community assists in the governance of the school.

Special Needs services offered by this school
Students with a Range of Disabilities with Similar Support Needs
Students with Physical Disability
School Email jasperroad-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au   
School Website www.jasperroad-p.schools.nsw.edu.au   
Type of School Primary Schools   
Enrolments 645   
Region Western Sydney  

我想明年开学把女儿转学去JASPER ROAD小学的YEAR 2,  听说这小学以前不错,现在怎么样啊?进OC和精英的多不多啊?每年大概有几个人能考上?

原来想转MATTEW PEARCE的,但差一条街,MATTEW PEARCE死活不收,别人说JASPER ROAD也不错,就是考OC和精英时,学校给打分比较严格,相对其他学校会分数低点,比较吃亏。
另外,还想请教,听说JASPER ROAD从YEAR 2开始就分快,慢班了(考试是根据一年级的成绩的), 我女儿明年开学就读2年纪了,会不会被分到慢班啊?还是说要到明年开学整个2年级才考试分班?


我女儿现在所在的小学95%都是白人,5%的移民,但今年考上OC和SELECTIVE的才各一人,还都是普通的SELETIVE, 没有考上JR和BKH的,所以才想转学去JASPER ROAD的,印度人和华人多的学校才成绩好啊,没办法啊, 但就怕JASPER ROAD也升学率不高,那我就白费力气办转学了

我现在住CROPLEY DRIVE, 可以在JASPER ROAD 读书, 但离MATTEW PEARCE一条街之差,当时女儿报KINDERGARTEN之时就是怕JASPER ROAD有变电站和移民多,所以放弃没报,现在两年过去了,打听了很多,觉得华人多,印度人多才学习成绩好,再说回来JAMES RUSE旁边还那么大一个电站呢,没准多电电更聪明,呵呵


刚听朋友的朋友说, 她的孩子就是JASPER ROAD小学的,今年有6位同学考上OC班了, (3个考上MATTHEW PEARCE的OC + 3个考上DURAL的OC), 大伙说说这个比率算好的吗? 听说carlingford MURRY FARM有20个考上oc

我邻居说她儿子从小都是在John Purchase 念大,校风很好,,孩子上大学考到全额奖学金。。。不过每次路过看见总觉得不像学校,那种demountable感觉很没有学校的氛围哦,可能是澳洲特色吧。。。

[ 本帖最后由 patrickzhu 于 2009-12-22 15:15 编辑 ]

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发表于 2009-11-16 19:50 |显示全部楼层

Epping Public School

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Epping Public School
Norfolk Rd, Epping NSW 2121   More schools in postcode 2121
Phone   9876 1452
Fax       9876 6873

Epping Public School is a multicultural school dedicated to educational excellence. In 2000 our school received a Director-General's School Achievement Award for PD/Health/PE. This is a great honour for our school as a maximum of forty schools throughout the 2,200 schools in NSW are chosen for this prestigious award. The award is given to schools who are making a significant contribution towards public education in curriculum, organisation and professional development. Our core purpose is to ensure that each student is
educated to his/her full potential. Emphasis is placed on achieving one's personal best within a culture of striving for excellence.

School Email epping-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au   
School Website www.epping-p.schools.nsw.edu.au   
Type of School Primary Schools   
Enrolments 367   
Region Northern Sydney  


退役斑竹 2007 年度奖章获得者 2008年度奖章获得者 参与宝库编辑功臣 2012年度奖章获得者 2009年度奖章获得者 2010年度奖章获得者 2014年度奖章获得者 2015年度奖章获得者

发表于 2009-12-6 21:54 |显示全部楼层

Forestville Public School

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Forestville Public School
7 Melwood Ave, Forestville NSW 2087   More schools in postcode 2087
Phone   9452 5444
Fax       9975 5037

Forestville Public School strives to provide an environment in which students' individual strengths are valued and celebrated, their needs are understood and met, and they are challenged to achieve their potential, whatever it may be. Staff are dedicated to implementing innovative programs which develop not only knowledge, but also a positive attitude towards learning and strategic skills for independence and self-reliance. The proud sporting traditions of the school add to its profile of achievement and the students' individual and team participation regularly includes competition at zone and state levels. Formal and informal provisions for all students with exceptional learning needs are a hallmark of the school. Both extension activities and learning support programs are provided by dedicated specialist teachers, who work to maintain the same close and fruitful relationships with parents as class teachers do.

Special Needs services offered by this school
Students with Emotional Disturbance
School Email forestvill-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au   
School Website www.forestvill-p.schools.nsw.edu.au   
Type of School Primary Schools   
Enrolments 399   
Region Northern Sydney  

这个小学很温馨, 越来越受到 Frenchs Forest, Belrose 等附近地区的家长推崇。 已白人小孩为住,亚洲小孩屈指可数,欧洲移民小孩子挺多的。
人数越来越多, 原来高年级都只有一两个班, 这两三年Kindy都招到了三四个班, 但大有一批家长等着五年级转私校呢。
学习方面普通,以舞蹈和band在附近受推崇,尤其是舞蹈老师开办的Studio,还挺专业的, 每年都有演出, band也有不同层次的三组。

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发表于 2009-12-16 15:15 |显示全部楼层

Oakhill Drive Public School

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Oakhill Drive Public School
Oakhill Drive, Castle Hill NSW 2154   More schools in postcode 2154
Phone   9634 1033
Fax       9634 4285

Oakhill Drive staff and community are committed to providing many opportunities for our students to strive to achieve. We do this by ensuring that the learning environment is a place where all students feel safe, are stimulated and are proud to be part of a caring school. The staff are motivated to provide students with a wide variety of activities to ensure that we cater for the needs of all students. With such a large school, the emphases have to be broad yet comprehensive. As well as the academic programs, School Choirs, Bands and Dance group, Sports teams, School Representative Council, Debating and Peer Support groups are just a few of the programs that offer children opportunities to showcase their talents. As the school has grown, support by parents of the staff has never been stronger. This has helped to make Oakhill Drive a happy, inspiring place for our students to learn.

School Email oakhilldr-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au   
School Website www.oakhilldr-p.schools.nsw.edu.au   
Type of School Primary Schools   
Enrolments 621   
Region Northern Sydney  

我女儿在这个学校读书,现五年级. 学生人数约630. 此校华人子女不多, 大陆移民更少.

学校风气很好,体现在大部分学生守纪律, 行为好. – 我女儿掉过许多东西: 衣服,帽子, 钱包, 甚直乐器, 每次都找到.

欺凌和歧视现象很少. – 孩子每年都能拿到各种奖, 和小朋友相处和谐.

学校的家长会很强大, 家长们都能积极投入各项活动. 今年11月的家庭娱乐日为学校筹集资金4.5万. 很多家长的组织和号召力很强.

学校 的餐厅每天开,也可在网上订午饭. 有学前和学后班. (7.00 – 8.30), (3.00 – 6.30).

他们有3个乐队, 经常演出得奖, 在西北地区有点名气.学校还有合唱, 舞蹈, 象棋,辩论, 管乐小组,各种体育队.

说说学习成绩: 今年五年级NAPLAN 的成绩平均是7级 ( 最高是8级).
考入精英班和精英中学的人数不详. 但考试时学校给的分数挺好. (精英中学考分总分中学校给的分数占一半). 如果住在学校附近, 小学毕业后可入Cherrybrook technology high. ( 这是此区除精英中学外最好的公立中学). 因此近几年来华人搬到此区增多

1.        交通:
有bus  632 从 Castle Hill ( Castle Tower ) – Oakhill Shop. ( David Road).
School address: 1-5 Oakhill Drive , Castle Hill, NSW 2154





我是全日工作的妈妈, 学校很多活动,常常找其他家长帮忙接送孩子, 但要写permission note .

2.        筹集资金方法:
找赞助商, 捐赠书,衣物, 酒等.( 捐赠书,衣物- 新的, 二手的均可), 帮学校卖Raffle Tickets, 包礼品, 煮食物 (亚洲食品销路很好). 反正是有钱出钱,有力出力,没有人强迫你. 筹集的资金大部分用于改善学校设施. 资金去向也有帐可查.

[ 本帖最后由 patrickzhu 于 2009-12-20 23:11 编辑 ]

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发表于 2009-12-23 12:41 |显示全部楼层

Croydon Public School

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Croydon Public School
39 Young St, Croydon NSW 2132   More schools in postcode 2132
Phone   9747 3557
Fax       9744 3929

Croydon Public School, founded in 1884, is located in a well established residential area in Sydney's inner west. A major reconstruction was undertaken in 1977, balancing the heritage aspect with the need for a modern teaching environment. The school community is diverse in terms of length of residency and cultural mix. A number of families have attended the school for several generations. Local property redevelopment has led to an increased density of population and a corresponding increase in student population. Community and school expectations are high.

School Email croydon-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au   
School Website www.croydon-p.schools.nsw.edu.au   
Type of School Primary Schools   
Enrolments 641   
Region Sydney  


可能意指孩子在那里遭到了种族歧视, 是这样吗? 这有什么不好说的, 我们在这里也经常讨论的. 我挺吃惊的, 因为以前听到的其他华人对这个学校的反映都说不错.

croydon小学很不错。旁边的burwood girls high, 和PLC都是好学校。
因为burwood girls 和PLC 都是女校,所以如果家里有个男孩就不要考虑那个区了。croydon小学的特点华人孩子基本都是女孩,男孩很少。


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