发表于 2019-6-18 22:00
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本帖最后由 milomoon 于 2019-7-6 20:34 编辑
十一月回国需要去两个城市,昆明和西安,在direct flight上定了悉尼直飞昆明,昆明至西安,西安直飞悉尼,前两程和东航,后一程和海航,给的ticket ref是在东航官网核实的,半个多月前DF联系说海航的直飞取消了,给了一个回来在mel转机等十个多小时的选择我疯了,说可以全额退款但是DF又要收我77刀每人的费,然后一顿扯后又说有了一个只转2小时,东航到mel然后2小时virgin回悉尼,我说OK,结果DF给我来句东航要我付penalty,我真疯了直接骂回去为什么我多付了钱要直飞现在直飞没了还要多付罚款?
We extremely sorry for the Airlines cancellation and kindly note the Ticket is with China Eastern and the flight was cancelled with Hainan Airlines due to 3rd party Airline cancellation as a China Eastern Airlines Policy they are unable to approve the Routing which Hainan Airlines had given you to change it for free of charge, Hence we kindly inform you that as China Eastern Airlines had informed that they will give a full refund for the ticket which there will be a charge of AUD $ 77 (suppliers fee) which cannot be waived of for any reason.
Hope you are clear with above and please note we tried our best to get the approval for the free change issue which China Eastern Airline rejected the request
我们没有travel insurance,就问问还能怎么办
更新下,最后接受了取消票全额退款但还是被df收了无论如何都不能waive的77刀每人supplier fees。重新定了全部都是东航的回来在武汉转一个半小时比原来定的便宜近150刀每人。 |