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抱一下。 别太担心了,慢慢来吧。Early intervention会很有效果的。我上次总结了一个帖子,关于Autism的,我把它转到这里来给你看看,希望能有点帮助。
Definition of autism
Autism refers to a number of neuro-developmental disorders that affect some parts of the central nervous system , particularly the way that both verbal and non-verbal information is processed. Autism affects how people understand their world and what is happening around them. All children with autism have difficulties in three main areas. These are:
· Social communication and language;
· Social awareness and interaction; and
· Imaginative play and flexibility
Symptoms and characteristics
Some of the characteristics that children with autism may show:
►Failure to develop meaningful attachments to people.
►Attchment to certain objects, rigidity in play, the need for certain rituals or routines.
►Self-stimulating activities, which may include flapping, rocking, spinning. These may happen particularly when the child is stressed.
►Some difficulties with a child’s personal identity to a degree appropriate to age. This could include difficulties with using words like ‘I’ or ‘me’ or not responding to their own image in the mirror.
►Abnormal response to sensory stimulation.
►Different use of the senses. Children may look at things from unusual angles.
►Over-sensitivity or under-sensitivity to pain.
►Slow development of speech, echolalia.
►Unusual speech behaviour. Some children speak with an accent or using ‘jargon’.
►A literal understanding of language.
►Eating difficulties and difficulties with developing toileting skills.
Implications for development in all areas.
·Motor skills
The motor skills of the child with autism may
have developed right on schedule, or just a little
slower than normal.
·Cognitive development
The child with autism typically has language and
social skills that fall below his or her skills in
other areas.
·Language development
■Delay in language development.
■Between the ages of four and five, the child
begins to make slow progress in language
■At four years of age, only about a quarter of
children can use speech meaningfully.
■More than half of all children with autism
still have no useful speech by this age.
■Odd voice quality.
■ Pronoun reversal.
■Jargon in speech(makes up words that may
not have obvious meaning to others).
·Social development
■Children with autism typically remain very
limited in their ability to be sensitive to other
people’s feelings.
■May become very upset at changes in routine.
■ May have aggression, tantrums and self-injury.
■ May withdraw from the outside world and
engage in self-stimulation behaviours.
■ Lack of social smile.
■Lack of eye contact.
■Limited eye contact.
·Other developmental problems
■Delay in acquiring self-help skills
■Sleeping pattern
■Eating pattern
·Understanding emotions and feelings
►Children with autism have difficulties both
in making sense of words and in understanding
non-verbal messages such as facial expressions.
►Children with autism are under a great deal
of stress as they attempt to make sense of the
world they live in.
►Children with autism are prone to high levels
of anxiety, may be due to the overwhelming
►The challenging behaviour may arise because
of the anxieties of the children with autism.
►When everything becomes overwhelming, the
child with autism may have a tantrum: screaming,
crying or throwing their body around.
·Main Supports and therapies
►Multidisciplinary therapy
A team of therapists including occupational
therapists, physiotherapists, speech pathologists,
social workers and psychologists work together.
►ABA—Applied Behavioural Analysis
An intensive training program used extensively
with children with autism. Tasks to be learnt are
analyzed, broken down into small steps and used
as a teaching program.
►pECS—Picture Exchange Communication
The aim is to help young children with autism
acquire communication skills.
►TEACHC—Treatment and Education of
Autistic and related Communication
Handicapped Children
This approach, which is used in many special
schools and classes for children with autism,
is based on a comprehensive whole life program.
The structured teaching program helps children
with autism make sense of their surroundings and
what is expected of them. It uses visual teaching
methods and encourages attending and
·Teaching Strategies
►Simple environment for them to concentrate on their tasks.
►Small areas with clear function to help the children to settle.
►Small groups to practise skills.
►placing resource, toys and equipment on low shelves to allow children with autism to access independently, encourage children to make choices in their play.
►Avoid surprises.
►Avoid loud noises, strong lights and unusual smells if these upset the child.
►Use verbal/visual cues and hand signals, remain the language as simple as possible.
►Using peers as models to teach communication and social interaction skills.
►Be positive and offer praise.
► Break directions down into single steps.
► Model ways of asking and answering questions.
► Pause frequently to allow extra processing time.
►Teach the child to use ‘help’ phrases such as I need help, I need space and I don’t like that.
► Repeat and simplify information.
►Give the child time to respond, to get his thoughts together.
►Acknowledge the child’s own communication but indicate when it is inappropriate.
► Avoid open-ended questions which the child is unlikely to understand and be able to respond to.
►Give clear rules on behaviour, without long explanations.
►Help the child learn to express feelings as well as physical needs.
► Help the child learn the basic games that are played by their peers. They will feel more at ease if they know what to do and understand what the rules are.
►Encourage, but don’t force, eye contact.
。Some Intervention Services
► ASPECT---Building Blocks
(Autism Spectrum Australia)
Website: www.aspect.org.au
►ABI---Autism Behavioural Intervention NSW
Website: www.abinsw.org.au
►Autism Awareness
Website: www.autismawareness.com.au
►The Children’s Hospital at Westmead
Website: www.chw.edu.au
►Woodbury Autism Education and Research
Website: www.woodbury.org.au
►Lizard---Speech Pathology
Website: www.lizardcentre.com
►Giant Steps
Website: www.giantsteps.net.au |